Да, были люди в (не)наше время… 6/4 4-х. Ч. I

Apr 07, 2024 22:51

And this isn’t the first time either. The grisly list of western political disasters of the last twenty years, from Iraq to the 2008 financial crisis to Libya, to Syria, to Brexit, to Covid to the rise of so-called “populism,” is distinguished less than by malevolence or stupidity (though both were present) than by an arrogant belief in the rightness of the opinions of the Professional and Managerial Caste (PMC) and by their ignorant but strongly-held views about the world, which the world itself had a responsibility to adhere to. Why bother with the labour of finding out the facts when are sure you know them already?

…then you lose the ability to respond and adapt as circumstances demonstrate the falsity of your assumptions. It is this incapacity that is causing an incipient nervous breakdown among western leaders, who resemble increasingly patients at a nursing home for the mentally afflicted, with their antisocial and sociopathic behaviour. So here is Gabriel Attal, the teenage French PM, taking the opportunity of a lunch for the Armenian community in Paris in the presence of various Ambassadors to launch an unprovoked verbal attack on one of his guests: the Russian Ambassador walked out, and I’m only surprised he didn’t slap Attal round the face and tell him to grow up. This is the kind of behaviour you associate with disturbed children or senile adults, not with alleged national leaders.

So we can take it for granted that the western political class and their pundit parasites will never admit that they fundamentally misunderstood what was going on because they couldn’t be bothered to find out. It’s as if something as basic and menial as discovering what’s happening is too difficult, and anyway beneath them. There’s an entire, vicious, pointless controversy being fought out in a virtual space by people completely separated from reality. In the past, this hasn’t really mattered because the consequences of our ignorance have never come back to haunt us. This time they will.

Totalitarian Liberal societies, after all, work by inductive reasoning from arbitrary postulates.

…It’s fairly clear that the Russians are trying to avoid a formal state of war with the West, because it would complicate things a lot. But it’s also very clear that they would target NATO troops directly if they felt they had to, and that there wouldn’t be a lot that NATO could do about it, if they did. There seems to be a dangerous belief-willed ignorance once more-that the Russians are in principle frightened of NATO “escalation,” and this could affect their behavior. But there’s no reason to think that’s actually true.

…A good example is the 1956 Suez Crisis. Anthony Eden, the PM at the time, maintained until the end of his life that the operation had been a partial success: it had prevented Nasser, and the Soviet Union behind him, from overrunning the whole Universe of North Africa in the name of his revolutionary ideology. Many of Eden’s colleagues and contemporaries agreed with him.


6 kwietnia 1654 - król Jan II Kazimierz podpisał dekret nakazujący wygnanie z Rzeczypospolitej wszystkich cudzoziemców - innowierców.

6 Апреля (25 Марта) 1814 [пятн]

Генерал-фельдмаршал граф М.Б. Барклай де Толли заключил с уполномоченными Zionists' terrorists перемирие на 48 часов.

Бзденя подписала безусловное отречение от престола за себя и своих наследников.

6 avril, France : le Sénat conservateur adopte un projet de constitution visant à rétablir la monarchie. Il offre le trône au comte de Provence et vote un plan de Constitution rédigée par une commission (Lebrun, Barbé-Marbois, Destutt de Tracy, Emmery et Lambrecht).

- 6 avril 1814 - Conseil avec les maréchaux. Le Sénat rappelle librement au trône Louis-Stanislas-Xavier. Napoléon renonce pour lui et sa famille aux trônes de France et dʼItalie.

- Nominal beginning of the Bourbon Restoration; anniversary date that Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba.

1924 : Premier vol réussi autour du monde effectué par 4 Douglas World Cruisers qui partent de Seattle.

On 6 April 1924, the four expedition aircraft, named Boston, Chicago, New Orleans and Seattle, departed Sand Point, near Seattle, Washington.

В Лазарете Красного Креста начала работать первая в Верхнеудинске женская консультация.


The Ford Motor Company becomes one the first car makers to announce the option for white sidewall tires on its new cars at a cost of $11.25 per set.

1944 : Judith McConnell, actrice américaine.


Military. HMCS Magnificent, Canada’s second aircraft carrier, sails from Halifax on her last voyage; she will be replaced by HMCS Bonaventure. Halifax, Nova Scotia


- The Swedish pop band ABBA wins the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Waterloo”, launching their international career.

1974: Carla Peterson, actriz argentina.

Карла Петерсон (Carla Peterson) musical slide show

image Click to view

Carla Peterson y Azul Lombardía 🎬 No me rompan Tuvimos una cálida charla con la actriz y con la dir.

image Click to view


- Members of Cameroon’s Republican Guard unsuccessfully attempt to overthrow the government headed by Paul Biya.

The last passenger B.727 was delivered to USAir

1994 - The Rwandan genocide begins when the aircraft carrying Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira is shot down. //

Le 6 avril 1994, le président-dictateur du Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana, est tué dans un attentat contre son avion personnel. Ses fidèles de la majorité hutu entreprennent aussitôt le massacre de la minorité tutsie (10% de la population) et des hutus modérés. En trois mois, 800.000 innocents sont massacrés à coups de machette.

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