Something Broke In Markets On Thursday Усю Вол-пöj$$тjидь ажно затрясло
"No Major Impacts" Reported After Earthquake Rattles New York City 1614
- In Virginia, Native American
Pocahontas marries English colonist
John Rolfe.
En Londres (Inglaterra) y con la firma de la paz de Westminster se pone fin a la guerra naval anglo-holandesa provocada a raíz de la promulgación del Acta de Navegación. Los Países Bajos deberán hacer frente a enormes concesiones.
5 avril 1794 : Danton et Desmoulins guillotinés
Le 17 Germinal An II (5 avril 1794), Danton et Camille Desmoulins sont guillotinés avec quelques autres partisans. Robespierre reste pour quelques mois seul maître à Paris. Il se laisse aller à des excès de pouvoir. La Grande Terreur se profile.
5 Апреля (
24 Марта) 1814 [чтвг]
Кагал бздивонного г-ала Н.Ж. Мезона вышел из крепости Лиля и занял крепость Валансьен.
Махал Маjмоня с кагалом из 12 тыс. jоп отделился от Кагалбздища и отправилась в Версаль. Верной Бздене осталась только бздивизя г-ала Э. Люкотты.
- 5 avril 1814 - Il passe en revue les débris de sa garde.
5 avril, France : abdication de Napoléon Ier en faveur de son fils, à Fontainebleau. Sous la pression des maréchaux, il renonce au trône pour tous les siens le 6 avril ;
Il conserve le titre impérial, reçoit une rente et la souveraineté sur l’île d’Elbe (signée le 11 avril par le traité de Fontainebleau).
Rail. Last spike driven in Grand Trunk Pacific at Finmoore, British Columbia.
Bernard Robert August
Borggreve (auch: Bernhard Borggreve; * 6. Juli 1836 in
Magdeburg; † 5. April 1914 in
Bendorf) war ein
Forstwissenschaftler, Zoologe und Botaniker.
Christian Andreas Victor
Hensen (* 10. Februar 1835 in
Schleswig; † 5. April 1924 in Kiel) war ein Physiologe und Meeresbiologe. Er führte den Begriff
Plankton in die Meeresbiologie ein.
The longest strike in U.S. history
begins as workers at the Kohler Company in Sheboygen, Wisconsin, go out on strike when the company fails to negotiate in good faith with their union, the United Auto Workers. More than six years later, the NLRB ruled in the workers’ favor; it wasn’t until 1964 that Kohler agreed to pay $4.5 million in back wages and pension contributions.
In 1964, driverless trains first ran on the London Underground. Now, on the Victoria Line, once the Train Operator has closed the train doors and pressed the start buttons, the trains run automatically to the next station, responding to coded impulses transmitted through the track
Mining. Fire races through Number 26 Colliery in Glace Bay, killing one miner; heavy damage closes the mine permanently; the end of years of coal mining on Cape Breton Island. Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Energy. US-Canada task force investigating the power blackout of August 14, 2003, calls for mandatory reliability rules.
“…Unfortunately, these jobs are being created almost entirely in low wage sectors, like retail, business services, leisure and hospitality, and healthcare. American workers had more weekly take home pay on average this month. Unfortunately, their hourly wages declined slightly, meaning they worked longer hours for that increase in their weekly wage. This is another indicator of poorer quality jobs.
Hours and Earnings
Average weekly hours for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased two-tenths hour to 34.5 hours (the same as a year ago). Average hourly earnings decreased 1 cent to $24.30/hour, and average weekly earnings grew $4.52 to $838.35, a yoy increase of 2.1%.
Average weekly hours for production and nonsupervisory (blue collar and clerical) personnel increased three-tenths hour to 33.7 hours (one-tenth hour less than a year ago). Average hourly earnings decreased 2 cents to $20.47/hour. Average weekly wages increased $5.47 to $689.84, a 1.9% increase yoy.”
The Jobs Report For March 2014: After A Long Winter, The Economy Plays Some Catchup Posted on
April 5, 2014 by
Yves Smith Он облетел!