Да, были люди в (не)наше время… 17/3 4-х

Mar 18, 2024 21:26

17 (5) Марта 1814 [субб]

HQ генерала от инфантерии графа М.Б. Барклая де Толли перешла в Бриенн-ле-Шато.

Бзденя с 10 тыс. жоп пехоты и 6 тыс. хвостов кабакеjиди выступила из Реймса к реке Марне, поручив Коленкуjи на Шатильонском конгрессе заключить мир, с единственным условием, чтобы союзники немедленно покинули Францию.

Отряд генерал-майора А.Н. Сеславина сменил шайки вюjтембеjгейцивь при Пон-сюр-Йон и Сансе.

Кагал махала Макдональд отступил от Прована к Мезон-Руж, шайка бздивонного г-ала М.Э. Жеjаjи очистила Ножан-сюр-Сен и отступила к Провану.

17 - 23 mars, France : combat des Balmettes.

Le 17, il [Napoléon] repart pour lʼAube et gagne Plancy-lʼAbbaye, sur lʼAube, en passant par Epernay et la Fère-Champenoise.


Pendant tout ce temps, Blücher se cantonne dans une stricte défensive, se contentant de sʼétendre jusquʼà Compiègne pour assurer son approvisionnement. Il attend le départ de Napoléon, bientôt rendu nécessaire par la supériorité de lʼarmée de Schwarzenberg sur celles des maréchaux affectés à sa surveillance.


- The Anglo-Dutch Treaty is signed in London, dividing the Malay archipelago. As a result, the Malay Peninsula is dominated by the British, while Sumatra and Java and surrounding areas are dominated by the Dutch.

The Lower Canada Assembly resolves that the Council’s disallowance of a money bill is contrary to English and Canadian usage. Quebec.


- A new system identified aircraft with one letter indicating aircraft class and a second letter defining aircraft type. Existing aircraft were re-designated alphabetically into the new system, with one exception. Since all landplanes were converted into hydroplanes before the new 1914 system, the AL designation was not assigned.


- The four Douglas World Cruisers (DWC) built for the U.S. Army Air Service leave Santa Monica on the first leg of their flight around the world. The DWC was a modified version of the DT-2 torpedo bomber the company had built for the Navy.

17 mars 1924

Le 6 avril 1924, sonnera le départ d’une mission américaine, qui consiste en un grand tour du monde par la voie des airs assuré par des membres de l’armée américaine, dont le commandement a été confié au major Frederick L. Martin. Mais à quelques semaines du décollage, l’heure est encore aux tests des appareils qui participeront à ce long raid aérien.

Ce 17 mars 1924, en effet, quatre avions de type amphibie vont être essayés, à savoir des World Cruiser signés du constructeur aéronautique Donald Douglas. Les aviateurs militaires Frederick L. Martin, Lowell H. Smith, Leigh Wade et Erik H. Nelson prenant ainsi place aux commandes des « Chicago », « Boston », « New Orleans » et « Seattle » pour mener les tests.

Ces quatre candidats au tour du monde auront des fortunes diverses à l’occasion de ce raid, seuls deux parvenant à le boucler : le « Chicago » et le « New Orleans ». En 175 jours et plus de 370 heures de vol, ils réussiront à couvrir les 44 345 kilomètres du parcours. Pour le « Boston » et le « Seattle », par contre, c’est un échec, les deux ayant été victimes d’accidents…

Lesley-Anne Down (born 17 March 1954) is a British actress, former model and singer.



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Pje$$i pje$$ides over a session of the NaZion-anal $$ecurity Council during which Secretary of Terror McNamara and Gay Maxwell Taylor present a full review of the situation in Vietnam. During the meeting, various secret decisions were made, including the approval of covert intelligence-gathering operations in Vietnam; contingency plans to launch retaliatory U.S. Air Force strikes against Vietnamese military installations and against guerrilla sanctuaries inside the Laotian and Cambodian borders; and a long-range “program of graduated overt military pressure” against Vietnam. Pje$$ident directed that planning for the bombing raids “proceed energetically.”

A statement issued to the public afterwards stated that the U$$ would increase military and economic aid to support South Vietnamese Pje$$ new plan for fighting the Viet Cong. Khanh’s intention was to mobilize all able-bodied South Vietnamese males, raise the pay and status of paramilitary forces, and provide more equipment for the South Vietnamese armed forces.

Welfare. Government introduces Canada Pension Plan Bill in House of Commons.

Korean Air Lines Co. begins service between Seoul and Osaka, Japan.


HMS Tireless laid down

1994 - C-130 shoot down occurred when an Iranian Air Force C-130E military transport aircraft, carrying Iranian embassy personnel from Moscow to Tehran, was shot down by U$$ Zionists' terrorists near the city of Stepanakert, an area which had been under armed conflict since 1988. The 32 people (19 passengers and 13 crew) on board were killed in the crash.

24 maja 1925 r. urodzona Mai Zetterling, szwedzka aktorka, reżyser filmowy. Urodzona Västerås. Död 17 mars 1994, w wieku 69 lat.



- Unrest in Kosovo: More than 22 are killed and 200 wounded. Thirty-five Serbian Orthodox shrines in Kosovo are destroyed.

Fishery. Fisheries Minister Geoff Regan announces increased patrols outside the 320 km limit off Canada’s east coast.

Health. Canadian Food Inspection Agency starts program for routine testing of poultry for avian influenza (bird flu), after BC had to destroy 57,000 chickens.


Ещё одна бронзовая медаль параолимпаиады

«В ночь после референдума по Крыму сдох бывший министр Ельцина и Путина, короткий член партии Гайдара, а ныне один из пидоров «Гражданской платформы» Михаила Куршевеля Александр Починок. Всю жизнь этот бывший комсомольский карьерист, потом “либерал” и в то же время член всех российских правительств с 1997 по 2004 год (кроме Евгения Примакова) честно отстаивал интересы собственной шкуры, затем был направлен в банно-прачечный трест «Гражданскую платформу», но его мысли были далеки от России. Даже свою жену он предусмотрительно отправил рожать в США, чтобы автоматически дать сыну американское гражданство».

Не могу не согласиться. А вот и свидетельства очевидцев.

Britain’s five richest families worth more than poorest 20%

Oxfam report reveals scale of inequality in UK as charity appeals to chancellor over tax

Larry Elliott, economics editor The Guardian, Monday 17 March 2014

“In a report, a Tale of Two Britains, Oxfam said the poorest 20% in the UK had wealth totalling £28.1bn - an average of £2,230 each. The latest rich list from Forbes magazine showed that the five top UK entries - the family of the Duke of Westminster, David and Simon Reuben, the Hinduja brothers, the Cadogan family, and Sports Direct retail boss Mike Ashley - between them had property, savings and other assets worth £28.2bn.”

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