Да, были люди в (не)наше время… 14/2 2023

Feb 15, 2024 20:53

Второе очередное землетрясение M = 5,7 произошло сегодня 14 февраля в Румынии в 15:16 по мест-у вр-и (16:16 мск) на глубине 40 км в Олтении, уезд Горж (102 км сев-е Крайовы, 120 км юго-за-днее Сибиу и 146 км за-днее Питешт). За 15 минут после первых ударов последовали два землетрясения M = 3,5 и 3,4.

Предыдущее землетрясение было в понедельник 13 февраля, M = 5,2.


OPEC Output Drops As Saudi Production Falls By 156,000 Bpd

By Josh Owens of Oilprice.com

“Ordinary Amercians are counting the cost of thriving” [Financial Times]

“In 1985, an Amercian man working the typical full-time job could support a family of four on 40 weeks of income, and be able to afford a range of nutritious foods, a three-bedroom house, a comprehensive health insurance plan, a family car, even saving to put both kids through the state university.

In 2022, paying for all that would require 62 weeks of his income, which is a problem, there being only 52 weeks in a year.

These figures come from the Cost-of-Thriving Index (Coti), which compares the rate at which wages are rising to the rate of cost increases for middle-class staples. They show starkly the effect on household budgets of a decades-long stretch in which housing prices [rents], health insurance premiums [rents], college tuition [rents], and more [rents] skyrocketed much faster than wages.”

US Consumer Price Index (CPI)

A Shiny New Car Is Out Of Reach For Many Americans

The Layoffs Continue: Ford To Cut 3,800 Workers In Europe

“Get The Hell Out Of There” - Ohioʼs Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On

Ohio Train Disaster: How Corruption and Greed Created Catastrophe, w/ David Sirota Glenn Greenwald. Shockingly, Sirota doesn’t mention Precision Scheduled Railroading, and Greenwald doesn’t press him. See here for what union guys on the ground are saying.

‘This is absurd’: Train cars that derailed in Ohio were labeled non-hazardous  Grist

Railroad workers confirm “nasty” toxic train “broke down” two days prior to crash in East Palestine, Ohio WSWS

Ohio Chemical Disaster

image Click to view

Video shows sparks or flames 20 miles before train derailment in East Palestine

image Click to view


При горении винилхлорида выделяются фосген и хлористый водород.


The Ohio Derailment Catastrophe Is a Case Study in Disaster Capitalism

Lever News Silences Workers’ Voices and Gets the Story Wrong in East Palestine Derailment Coverage

5 unanswered questions on East Palestine derailment after preliminary NTSB report  The Hill

Toxic Wastewater From Ohio Train Derailment Headed To Texas

The Devil’s Milkshake Tarance Ray, The Baffler

Two More Trains, One Reportedly Carrying Hazardous Materials, Derail Two Weeks After Ohio Chemical Spill  The Loadstar

Explosion Rocks Ohio Metal Plant, Sending Large Plume Of Black Smoke Into Sky

Freight derailments occur tens of times each year between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River.


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