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Feb 02, 2024 16:50

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Распоряжения СНК СССР от 1 февраля 1944

№ 1911-р

Öб-и Наркомторга СССР (тов. Любимова) увеличить Наркомцветмету с 1 февраля 1944 г-а отпуск питания для рукоблудящих раб-иков трестов, комбинатов, приисков, геолого-разведочных партий и продснабов золотоплатиновой пром-ти на 985 Jöп.

Chicken Littles Are Ruining America

Doomsaying can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

JANUARY 31, 2024

Our most recent previous period of apocalyptic collectivism was the McCarthy era. During that time, the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr noticed that his fellow anti-communists were constantly demanding “that the foe is hated with sufficient vigor.” …

…The University of Michigan psychologist Joseph Veroff and his colleagues compared national surveys conducted in 1957 and 1976 and found a significant shift in people’s self-definition: A communal, “socially integrated” mindset was being replaced with a “personal or individuated” mindset. …

… Today’s communal culture is based on a shared belief that society is broken, systems are rotten, the game is rigged, injustice prevails, the venal elites are out to get us; we find solidarity and meaning in resisting their oppression together. …

… In this culture, people feel bonded not because they are cooperating with one another but because they are indignant about the same things. …

… A friend who teaches at Stanford recently told me that many of his students would not assume he had gone into teaching to serve his students, or to seek their good; rather, they see him as a cog in the corrupt system holding them down. …

Even institutions as wholesome as motherhood have come to be seen as horrific. In December, Vox ran an essay titled “How Millennials Learned to Dread Motherhood.” A couple of weeks before that, The New Yorker published “The Morality of Having Kids in a Burning, Drowning World.” In previous eras, people were enculturated to see parenthood as a challenging but deeply rewarding and love-drenched experience. Now motherhood is regarded as a postapocalyptic shit show. Recently published books on motherhood include Mom Rage, Screaming on the Inside, and All the Rage.

The culture of collective negativity has had a deleterious effect on levels of trust: In 1964, 45 percent of Americans said that most people can be trusted, according to a survey by American National Election Studies. That survey no longer asks this question, but a University of Chicago survey asked the exact same question to Americans in 2022 and found that number is now 25 percent. Seventy-three percent of adults under 30 believe that, most of the time, people just look out for themselves, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey. Seventy-one percent say that most people “would try to take advantage of you if they got a chance.”


J-öпа топа

воруют, Латынина, Прохоров, soros, это Сталин виноват, скрупулёзненько, метко подмечено, Ксюшадь, nato, так нам и надо, metoo, сё -- человек, Яблоко, Шувалов, demography, меритокрадия, иго, Силуанов, corruption, crony capitalism, сборная яичница, marxism, Фурсенко, нас отреформировали, privatization головного мозга, Юдаева, Кудрин, Сбербанк, Левонтий однако9, Юргенс, тандем, "честные выборы" inc., война не для генералов, их нравы, ВШЭ заела, Рогозин, c'est la vie, рыло в пуху, involution, пиндоз головного мозга, экономика и политика, образованщина, nietzscheanismus, useful idiots

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