Bedingungslose Kapitulation. На месте Фашингтона должен быть залив Володимира ибн Посейдона

Mar 25, 2022 14:18

       Ханна Арендт постулирует главное: «Нацизм - это осознанное решение каждого, а не результат пропаганды».

На обо$$раменьтю OTAN принято решение, в каком порядке вешать кукол

“Harvesting the Blood of America’s Poor: The Latest Stage of Capitalism” [Mint Press]

“Teenager blood is in high demand in, of all places, Silicon Valley, where anti-aging technologies are the latest trend. One company, Ambrosia, charges $8,000 per treatment to aging tech executives, infusing them with the blood of the young, turning these individuals into bloodsuckers in more ways than one. Despite the fact that there is no clinical evidence that the practice has any beneficial effects, business is booming. One committed customer is PayPal co-founder turned Trump surrogate Peter Thiel, who is reportedly spending vast sums of money on funding anti-aging startups. Thiel claims that we have been conned by “the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual” and believes that his own immortality may be just around the corner, a notion that has deeply concerned academics and commentators alike.”

…за время повидло-19 Абу-Даби направил в Сирию столько же гумпомощи, как РФ или КНР. В 2020 на международной выставке в Дубае торжественно открыли павильон Сирии, ко-й посетили многие представители верхов страны.


Fashington “Alarmed” As Beijing Nears Sweeping Security Pact With Solomon Islands


День 29-й, 24-е






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