NaZionists готовят своих дегейбздюмогейдЪЪЪ к Большому Погрому уже не как голубой воришка ©
Целко (на всякий шлучай: эт я за кинь-жало)
Вдогон вчерашнему замечанию о ик-öно-мисти-каке…
Slowed canonical progress in large fields of science PNAS
“Изучив 1,8 ярда цЫтат из 90 млн. высегейбздöхивь по 241 теме, мы обнаружили, что поток жидькöговнеца приводит не к смене доктрины в к.-либо области, а скорее к окостенению канона. УчÖнопечÖные в областях, где ежегодно высирают кучу жидькöговнеца, сталкиваются с трудностями при обнародовании, чтении и цитировании, если только их работа не ссылается на высеры, ко-е уже засраны до опупения. Новые документы, содержащие могущие быть важными данные, не могут привлечь внимание всего кагала за счёт постепенного распространения. Эти выводы свидетельствуют: фундаментальный прогресс давным-давно поставлен в тупик, если рост научных уШилЬгей - кол-ва учÖнÖпечÖных, их зоопагейкив и высеров - не будет уравновешен чем то, что способствовало бы разрушению ига кагала и фокусирующими внимание на новых смыслах”.
Abstract: “Examining 1.8 billion citations among 90 million papers across 241 subjects, we find a deluge of papers does not lead to turnover of central ideas in a field, but rather to ossification of canon. Scholars in fields where many papers are published annually face difficulty getting published, read, and cited unless their work references already widely cited articles. New papers containing potentially important contributions cannot garner field-wide attention through gradual processes of diffusion. These findings suggest fundamental progress may be stymied if quantitative growth of scientific endeavors-in number of scientists, institutes, and papers-is not balanced by structures fostering disruptive scholarship and focusing attention on novel ideas.”
Moderna, Pfizer Hike Vaccine Prices By Up To 25% Paper Ships (podcast)
Fat Leonard. “Leonard Francis became the most powerful military contractor in the Pacific, running a mafia organization at the heart of the U.S. Navy.”
Concentration: “The Iowa Farm Bureau is a small nonprofit. It’s sitting on a huge business empire” [
Midwest Center for Investigative Journalism]
“In May, senior executives at the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation finalized a little-noticed financial maneuver that could boost their income for years to come. While a nonprofit, the Farm Bureau owned a highly profitable, publicly traded insurance business, FBL Financial Group. For nearly a year, the executives - whose incomes depended on FBL - had wanted to privatize the company. But the move spurred several lawsuits, with a major investor publicly accusing the Farm Bureau of low-balling the remaining shareholders it was attempting to buy out. To settle, the Farm Bureau paid investors more, and the deal closed this spring. If history is any indication, the move was a smart one, at least for Farm Bureau leaders. A review of public filings, depositions and internal memos show Farm Bureau leaders have benefitted for years from the nonprofit’s majority ownership of the insurance company. The story of FBL also highlights the complicated nature of the modern Iowa Farm Bureau, and the potential conflicts of interest at the heart of the nonprofit organization that sits atop multiple for-profit companies.”
If everything is like CalPERS, the Iowa Farm Bureau is a cesspit.
“Facing a merger and a pay cut, chicken farmers push back” [
Food and Environment Reporting Network]
“Decades of mergers and vertical integration have left the poultry industry dominated by a handful of companies. Those companies have near-total control over the contract farmers, determining everything from the types of birds they raise to what those birds are fed, how they’re medicated and how and when they’re slaughtered. The farmers don’t own the chickens but any losses are the farmer’s responsibility. The typical U.S. grower has over $1 million in loans and the take-home pay is often a far cry from what the company advertises during recruitment. In the years before Rusty died, Trina said, they had negative cash flow for at least part of the time, and were relying on credit cards for groceries and other household expenses. But the McClendons made it work. Their farm is one of the best performing in their region, consistently ranking in the top five in the tournament system, the scheme through which poultry farmers are paid bonuses, or assessed penalties, based on how well they perform compared to other farmers. Their farm produces mainly broilers, large chickens raised for their meat.”
Holy moley, a tournament system for farmers…
More than a third of the population in Croatia was suffering from
high blood pressure in 2019 according to
data by Eurostat.
Mass Shootings On Course For Record Year As US Transforms Into Violent Mess Where U.S.
Drug Overdose Deaths Are Surging Lockdown Created 1 Million New Alcoholics In England America's [таки эти недоаблизьбздяни щитають собё усеми американцами!] White Population Shrank For 1st Time In US History, Census Data Show <>
1651 - в Англии принят
Навигационный акт: товары из колоний могли доставлять только английские корабли. 1701 - The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed
Yale University) is chartered in
Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
1731 - хан
Младшего жуза Абулхаир принял подданство РИ.