Календарь пана Вотруба и кое-что поболе

Apr 20, 2021 15:36

.   El 20 de abril de 1521: murió Zhengde, emperador chino (n. 1491).

.   Le 20 avril 1541 : le duc de Clèves Guillaume de La Marck, un prince germanique rebelle à Charles Quint, arrive à Paris, avant Amboise puis Tours et Plessis-lès-Tours, pour être marié diplomatiquement par François Ier à sa nièce Jeanne d’Albret, contre le gré de cette très jeune princesse de 13 ans (future mère du roi de France Henri IV). Les fêtes du mariage auront lieu à Châtellerault du 9 au 19 juin suivants.

.   1741: las tropas británicas se retiran tras el sitio de Cartagena de Indias.


- Norfolk Navy Yard partially destroyed to prevent Yard facilities from falling into Confederate hands and abandoned by Union forces. U.S.S. Pennsylvania, Germantown, Raritan, Columbia, and Dolphin were burned to water’s edge. U.S.S. Delaware, Columbus, Plymouth, and Merrimack (later C.S.S. Virginia) were burned and sunk. Old frigate U.S.S. United States was abandoned. U.S.S. Pawnee, Commodore Paulding, and tug Yankee towing U.S.S. Cumberland, escaped; Pawnee returned to Washington to augment small defenses at the Capital. This major Yard was of prime importance to the South. The Confederacy had limited industrial capacity, and possession of the Norfolk Yard provided her with guns and other ordnance materiel, and, equally as important, gave her a dry dock and an industrial plant in which to manufacture crucially needed items. In large measure, guns for the batteries and fortifications erected by the Confederates on the Atlantic coast and rivers during 1861 came from the Norfolk Yard.

This major Yard was of prime importance to the South. The Confederacy had limited industrial capacity, and possession of the Norfolk Yard provided her with guns and other ordnance materiel, and, equally as important, gave her a dry dock and an industrial plant in which to manufacture crucially needed items. In large measure, guns for the batteries and fortifications erected by the Confederates on the Atlantic coast and rivers during 1861 came from the Norfolk Yard.

- Thaddeus Lowe’s balloon landed in South Carolina only to be surrounded by a group of incredulous Carolinians who believed he was a spy. Lowe managed to persuade the crowd that his 500-mile trip from Cincinnati, Ohio, was merely an innocent aerial journey to test his strange craft. He later tried to convince the Union to use his skill as a balloonist.


- Secretary of Treasury authorized to employ crews of experienced surfmen at lifeboat stations at maximum rate of $40 per month, marking the end of the volunteer system. This was the beginning of direct Federal control over life-saving activities.

- With passage of the Third Force Act, popularly known as the Ku Klux Act, Congress authorizes President Ulysses S. Grant to declare martial law, impose heavy penalties against terrorist organizations, and use military force to suppress the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).


Nicola, Kamloops and Similkameen Coal and Railway Company receives British Columbia charter. Victoria, BC

Vernon and Nelson Telephone Company receives British Columbia charter. Victoria, BC

.   1901: en Rusia, el ministro de Asuntos exteriores francés, Théophile Delcassé, visita San Petersburgo.


.   7 апреля через Гос. ДуПу и Гос. Совет прошёл закон «Об отпуске из гос-ой казны ср-в на секретные расходы Военного министерства». Шпионами а Ахэнтямьшамё влияния на разведку и контрразведку выделено доп-но 1.443.720 руб.

.   20 kwietnia 1911 (110) Portugalia: Portugalski parlament uchwalił rozdział kościoła od państwa.


Opening of new Welland Canal, linking Lake Erie and Lake Ontario; wide enough to carry big lakes. St. Catharines, Ontario

Destroyer HMS Dainty (H 53) laid down.


- Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of US-backed Cuban exiles against Cuba.


la Asamblea General de la ONU invita a Portugal a que emprenda reformas en Angola, donde sus tropas se enfrentan a los nacionalistas.

en España se rueda la película El Cid, de Anthony Mann, interpretada por Charlton Heston y Sofía Loren.

1971 - The Pentagon releases figures confirming that fragging incidents are on the rise.

In 1970, 209 such incidents caused the deaths of 34 men; in 1969, 96 such incidents cost 34 men their lives. Fragging was a slang term used to describe U.S. military personnel tossing of fragmentation hand grenades (hence the term “fragging”) usually into sleeping areas to murder fellow soldiers. It was usually directed primarily against unit leaders, officers, and noncommissioned officers.


.   Лётчик-испытатель В.С. Ильюшин выполнил первый полёт Т10-7 (прототип Су-27).

image Click to view


.   1981: nacimiento Julieta Prandi, modelo, presentadora de televisión y actriz argentina.

2001 - Presik Bush attended his first international summit as leaders of the Western Hemisphere’s 34 democracies met in Quebec to advance plans to create the world’s largest free-trade zone. Police in riot gear clashed with protesters. Protestors pushed to interrupt the Summit of the Americas and held that the free trade efforts put corporate interests ahead of workers, human rights and the environment.


Вулкан Мерапи (граница пров. Центральная Ява и Джокьякарта) трижды выбросил в небо горячие облака. 14 лавин на юго-западном склоне.


.   Сидушку гейбздидента какпе гос-ной ТНКОПГ Petrobras занялö бывшая министгейшей террора против простолюдинов Бразилии Жуйаким Силва и Луна, сообщила пресс-служба 19 апреля. Сразу после этого подтирочные бамахи корпорации выросли б. чем на 5%.



В 2018 г. шесть энергоёмких отраслей - химикаты (правда, в основном как сырьё), переработка нефтей и углей, бумага, первичные металлы, продовольствие и неметаллические минеральные продукты - потребили 16,9 квадриллиона BTU или 87% совокупного объёма энергии, потребляемой в обрабатывающих отраслях.


First Venezuela, Now Ecuador: US Refiners Need A New Source Of Heavy Crude

Oil, Gas, And Fracking News Read 18 April 2021 - Part 1

MOMR April 2021 (PDF)

US oil refineries reported they were processing 15,051,000 barrels of crude per day during the week ending April 9th, 7,000 more barrels per day than the amount of oil they used during the prior week, …

while over the same period the EIA’s surveys indicated that a net of 999,000 barrels of oil per day were being pulled out of the supplies of oil stored in the US

so based on that reported & estimated data, this week’s crude oil figures from the EIA appear to indicate that our total working supply of oil from net imports, from storage, and from oilfield production was a rounded 222,000 barrels per day more than what our oil refineries reported they used during the week…

Ур. загрузки производственной мощности добавился 1%.

Oil, Gas, And Fracking News Reads: 18 April 2021 - Part 2

Таки Кацö пгейлягиаить сдаццö ©

Enbridge’s Great Lakes Pipeline Is ‘Nonnegotiable’' for Canada

Enbridge Inc.’s contentious oil pipeline crossing the Great Lakes is “nonnegotiable” for Canada, and Justin Trudeau’s government spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden to defend it. With the Canadian pipeline giant and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer locked in a legal battle over the state’s efforts to decommission Enbridge’s Line 5, Canadian Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan said he has reached out to all levels of government in the U.S. Legislators on both sides of the border have also held over 20 meetings to seek an agreement, he said.

Enbridge taps new approach for pipelines - Indian Country Today

Lithium Mega-Merger Creates New $3 Billion Company

15 апреля. По предварительным подсчётам Пу Ö в феврале 2021 г. украл у народа 11,4 т золота на $673 млн. - на 26% больше, чем в феврале прошлого года, хотя на 17% меньше, чем в январе текущего.

Получателем числится Елекакбу-э-экакя - 11 т на $650 млн. Примерно по 0,2 т в феврале выкрадено в Казахстан и Швейцарию.


Покупаем, продаём, и ещё немножко шьём…

Грязныя подробностЯ <https://aftershock.news/?q=node/968988>

< https://twitter.com/BruceRedux/status/1382872804480098310?s=20>

< https://flitched9000.livejournal.com/3766156.html>

< https://flitched9000.livejournal.com/3765129.html>

< https://flitched9000.livejournal.com/3764056.html>

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