. El 19 de marzo de 721 a. C.: se avista el primer eclipse lunar del que se conocen noticias.
. Le 19 mars 1721 : décès / morte
Clément XI, pape (° 23 juillet 1649).
. 1801: fallecimiento
Ambrosio O’Higgins, gobernador de Chile y virrey del Perú.
1861 - The
First Taranaki War ends in New Zealand.
+1871 Minister of Inland Revenue Alexander Morris introduces an Act to legalize the metric system in Canada.
1891 I.G. Baker sells Alberta District assets to Hudson’s Bay Company.
+. 1911: se conmemora por primera vez el
Día Internacional de la Mujer, en años posteriores la celebración se traslada al 8 de marzo.
Irish War of Independence: One of
the biggest engagements of the war takes place at
County Cork. About 100
Irish Republican Army (IRA) volunteers escape an attempt by over 1,300 British forces to encircle them.
Протокол ПБ № 1 от 19 марта 1921 г.
Протокол ПБ № 2.
1931. 16-19 Коймат. 400 басмачей окружили и после 3-х дней боёв полностью уничтожили гарнизон - отряд 85-го д-она войск ОГПУ.
Gambling is legalized in Nevada. // In an attempt to lift the state out of the hard times of the Great Depression, the Nevada state legislature
votes to legalize gambling.
*. L’Algérie est un croiseur lourd ayant servi dans la Marine nationale entre 1934 et 1942. Chantier naval Brest. Commandé 19 mars 1931. Lancement 21 mai 1932. Armé 15 septembre 1934. Sabordé à Toulon le 27 novembre 1942. <
+ +
1941. На з-де Электросила им. С.М. Кирова в Ленинграде заканчивают сборку электромагнита для циклотрона. По просьбе рабочих ак. А.Ф. Иоффе сделал на з-де доклад о принципе работы циклотрона и строении атомного ядра.
*De Ruyter escorts the passenger ship Oranje (20.017 GRT) on her first leg to Singapore. She is rerouted to the Moluccas after completing this assignment. De Ruyter and various other units are positioned near Morotai on the 19th. She completes a boiler repair job by the end of this month, after which trials are conducted.
Mar 19, Wed.Pacific
Destroyers Aylwin (DD-355) and Farragut (DD-348) are damaged by collision during night tactical exercises in Hawaiian Operating Area, 23°35’N, 158°14’W.
*US and Canada sign pact to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway.
*- The 99th Pursuit Squadron also known as the
Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-black unit of the US Army Air Corps, is activated.
On March 19, 1941, the
99th Pursuit Squadron (Pursuit being an early War synonym for Fighter) was established at
Chanute Field in
Rantoul, Illinois and activated three days later on March 22.
The Pennsylvania Reserve Defense Corps was created by executive order of Governor Arthur B. James on March 19, 1941.
The Pennsylvania Reserve Defense Corps was organized based on U.S. Army standards, with units being organized along standard military unit sizes and drilling part-time, generally one night a week and during one full week per year.
On March 19, 1941, additional personnel was assigned to the 295th Regiment, and shortly afterwards it was moved to
Salinas, Puerto Rico, for further training.
+9:45am - 10:35am Navy Sec. Frank Knox, Harry L. Hopkins, Col. William Donovan.
11:30am War Sec. Henry L. Stimson.
12:00pm William S. Knudsen (Chairm. Natl. Defense Council).
12:30pm U Sec. of State Sumner Welles, Netherlands Min. Dr. A. Loudon, Dr. Eelco van Kleffens.
1:40pm Labor Sec. Frances W. Perkins.
19 Mar 1941Mass-produced vegetable casseroles went on sale in Britain for 8 pence per pound.
[The Tripartite Pact]
Adolf Hitler gave Prince Paul of Yugoslavia an ultimatum, asking him to join the Tripartite Pact within five days, or face invasion.
der 19.3.1941, der 19. März 1941 war ein Mittwoch. Auf Betreiben der Montankonzerne im Ruhrgebiet werden die Kohlenhandels- und Kohlenbergbauunternehmen in der Reichsvereinigung Kohle zusammengeschlossen, um Förderung und Vertrieb von Kohle zentral zu steuern.
. Der Exilvorstand der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD) und andere aus dem Deutschen Reich emigrierte Sozialisten gründen in London die Union deutscher sozialistischer Organisationen in Großbritannien, um ihre Aktivitäten gegen die NS-Machthaber im Deutschen Reich zu koordinieren.
. In Posen wird der Kriegsfilm „Über alles in der Welt“ von Regisseur Karl Ritter uraufgeführt; die Hauptrollen spielen Carl Raddatz, Hannes Stelzer, Marina von Ditmar und Fritz Kampers.
*. IL 19 MARZO Hitler tramite lo stato maggiore della Marina tedesca Raeder, critica aspramente la condotta della Marina italiana, «imprevidente, non capace a difendersi, e con nessuna iniziativa ad attaccare, mentre le navi inglesi scorrazzano indisturbate nel Mediterraneo addirittura ora dal Mar Ligure alla Grecia».
. L’ammiraglio RICCARDI si giustificò dicendo che erano inattivi perché mancava il carburante, la nafta, i cannoni.
. (Questo prima non lo sapevano!?. E siamo appena agli inizi della guerra!) (
vedi anche l’impietosa analisi fatta da Rommel in una lettera alla moglie).
Sorta di ultimatum tedesco alla Jugoslavia. I tedeschi lanciano una specie di ultimatum alla Jugoslavia concedendole solo 5 giorni di tempo per decidere sulle richieste di collaborazione e di adesione al Patto Tripartito avanzate da Hitler al reggente Paolo il 4 marzo.
Lettera dell’amm. Weichold all’amm. Arturo Riccardi. L’ammiraglio Weichold, rappresentante della marina germanica presso il comando supremo italiano a Roma, invia una lettera al capo di Stato Maggiore della marina italiana ammiraglio Arturo Riccardi, in cui si mostra favorevole ad un attacco in forze italiano nel Mediterraneo orientale; […]
Pierino Favalli vince la Sanremo. Pierino Favalli, già secondo nel’ 37 e nel ’38, vince la 34ª edizione della Milano-Sanremo. Nonostante l’Italia sia da nove mesi in guerra, la classica d’apertura della stagione ciclistica non manca il consueto appuntamento di San Giuseppe. Partenza alle 7.45, il favorito è […]
War Diary for Wednesday, 19 March 1941US
William Donovan briefs Roosevelt on his fact-finding and intelligence-gathering tour of Europe.
Hitler insists Yugoslavia must join the Axis.
In a meeting with the Japanese ambassador, Admiral Raeder requests an attack on Singapore.
*Luftwaffe attacks London overnight with 479 aircraft.
RAF Bomber Command sends 36 aircraft to attack Cologne overnight.
370 Luftwaffe aircraft bombed London, killing 750. Several freighters and auxiliary anti-aircraft ship Helvellyn
were sunk or damaged in London docks.
Kriegstagebuch OKW
19. März 1941. [handschr.] :
. LIL: Nachts 418 Flugzeuge gegen Hull, bisher haben 170 Flugzeuge gemeldet. Englischer Schwerpunkt Kiel. Angriffstätigkeit durch Wetter erschwert.
. LIK: Brände in der Germania werft gelöscht.
. …
Luftkrieg Großbritannien. Die deutsche Luftwaffe unternimmt fast täglich Angriffe auf britische Hafenstädte.
. 19./20.3.: 479 Flugzeuge werfen 467 t Spreng- und 122 t Brandbomben auf London.
Luftkrieg England. Beim Angriff der dt. Luftwaffe auf London (schwerster Angriff seit dem 29.12.1940) werden im Hafen die brit. Frachter Nailsea Meadow (4962 BRT) und Telesfora de Larrinaga (5780 BRT) beschädigt.
9.2.-12.3.1941. Die nach Großbritannien laufenden Konvois überqueren den Atlantik ohne Verluste.
. Die nach Großbritannien laufenden Konvois HX.110 (19.2.-11.3., 41 Schiffe), HX.111 (23.2.-12.3., 23 Schiffe) und SC.24 (28.2.-19.3., 26 Schiffe) überqueren den Atlantik ohne Verluste.
*Sailed: From Kiel:
Entering base: St. Nazaire, France: U-95 (32 days).
11 boats at sea: U-37, U-46, U-48, U-69, U-74, U-98, U-105 (9200 tons of sugar), U-106, U-110, U-124, U-551.
Mittelmeer. 19.-21.3.1941
. Nachschub-Geleitzug mit den dt. Frachtern Arcturus, Santa Fé, Procida und Wachtfels, gesichert durch die Zerstörer Saetta, Fulmine und Baleno, läuft von Neapel nach Tripolis. Gleichzeitig läuft ein Rückgeleit mit den dt. Schiffen Adana, Aegina, Heraklea und Galilea unter Sicherung der Zerstörer Tarigo, Freccia und der T-Boote Missori und Pilo von Tripolis nach Neapel, dem 24 Stunden später ein zweiter Geleitzug mit den dt. Frachtern Marburg, Reichenfels und Kybfels unter Sicherung der Zerstörer Vivaldi, Da Noli, Malocello und des T-Bootes La Farina folgt. Alle drei Geleitzüge erreichen ihre Zielhäfen ohne Verluste.
Operation „MC.9“:. Unter Fernsicherung durch die brit. Mittelmeerflotte (Schlachtschiffe Warspite, Barham und Valiant, Flugzeugträger Formidable, Zerstörer) wird ein Versorgungskonvoi nach Malta durchgebracht, ohne daß die dt. und ital. Luftaufklärung die Verbände erfassen. Die südostwärts Kreta stehenden ital. U-Boote Malachite und
Smeraldo sichten die brit. Verbände nicht.
HMS Gloucester and HMS Hasty arrived at Pireaus around 1600 hours (zone -2).
Operation MC 9. Convoy MW 6 to Malta. On 19 March 1941 three merchant vessels departed from Haifa to Malta. One more merchant vessel departed from Alexandria.
Wavell learns from Ultra intercepts that all Luftwaffe leaves have been cancelled and detailed operational orders for offensive are being issued.
Convoy MW 6 departs Egypt for Malta with heavy escort.
Operation Lustre: Australian 16th Infantry Brigade arriving Athens from Egypt. General Blamey arrives Athens.
Salzburg. 19. März: …erweitert die Firma
Albus den Fuhrpark um vier neue Omnibusse erweitert.
+ +. 1951 : décès / morte
Léon Faure, industriel français (° 12 décembre 1866).
. 1961 : décès / morte
Maurice de Wendel, administrateur de sociétés français (° 28 février 1879).
1971The S. Korea government begins construction on the nation’s first nuclear power plant, Gori No. 1.
*An earthquake sets off a series of calamities-a landslide, flood and avalanche-that
results in the destruction of the town of Chungar, Peru, and the death of 600 of its inhabitants.
Five Rockwell International workers
are asphyxiated during a nitrogen purge of the engine compartment while setting up a ground test for the space shuttle Columbia. Two of them died. The technicians had been cleared by NASA safety supervisors to enter the compartment and a NASA board of inquiry concluded that a last-minute change in testing procedures, along with a breakdown in communications at the space center, caused the incident.
2011- The US Navy fires Tomahawk cruise missiles at Gaddafi’s air defenses as Operation Odyssey Dawn gets underway.
Libyan Colonial War: After the failure of Muammar Gaddafi’s forces
to take Benghazi, French Air Terroristic Force launches
Opération Harmattan, beginning
foreign military intervention in Libya.
- French Air Terroristic Force aircraft make the first attacks of the
military intervention in Libya, striking Libyan government armored vehicles south of Benghazi during the
Second Battle of Benghazi. USAF
B-2 Spirit bombers, fighters, and RAF aircraft go into action later in the day, striking Libyan government ground forces and air defense sites.
2011- CIA «Libyan rebel» ground fire mistakenly shoots down a
MiG-23BN Flogger of the
Free Libyan Air Force over Benghazi.
*. 2011: la Luna, en su elipsis, atraviesa el punto más cercano a la Tierra, a 356 577 km.
+ + +
2021ЭМ ПРО «Хагуро» передан 19 марта в состав ВМС Ниппошки, «Киодо». Чайная церемония передачи корабля состоялась на военной верфи в порту Иокогама.
«Хагуро» - водоизм-е 8200 т, длина - 170, ширина - 21 м, ценник - 170 ярдов иен (ок. $1,5 ярд.) - восьмой корабль ВМС Нипы, оснащённый системой обмена данных об объектах противника (Aegis), может быть вооружён ракетами SM-3 Block IIA японо-пиндокаканьськы разработки с дальностью почти в три раза выше стоящих на вооружении SM3, по утверждению разработчиков, ок. тысячи килом. «Хагуро» стал вторым таким кораблём ВМС Ниппошки. <
+. И только Flint с отравленной водой…
On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices+
+При прочих равных условиях сокращение пр-ва всего на 3-4% может задрать ценники на сою и кукурузу на треть.
И хотя засуха коснётся не самых с/х земель…
+Ожидают в ближайшие годы, что КНР будет импортировать 35-45 млн. метрических тонн фуражного зерна в год…
+Пиндосрань [напрасно] надеется обломать тов. Си продовольственным оружием…
. Что при этом будет жрать олухторать, боссам мафии W st. насрать…
Tech: “Why Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Are Designing Their Own Chips” [
“By 2025 data centers are expected to consume 15% of the world’s electricity, up from about 2% last year, according to Applied Materials, the biggest maker of chip manufacturing equipment. Keeping power consumption down is becoming more important than the cost of the chips themselves for the data center owners.”
Holy moley!