Календарь пана Вотруба и сырьевой придаток Кореи

Feb 10, 2021 18:46

.   1651 : dans la nuit du 9 au 10, les princes frondeurs font fermer Paris pour empêcher de fuir le jeune roi Louis XIV, son frère Philippe, et leur mère la régente Anne d’Autriche, comme deux ans plus tôt, dans la nuit du 5 au 6 janvier 1649, alors vers le château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye.


.   1811 : l’armée impériale russe rentre dans Belgrade en soutien au Premier soulèvement serbe dans le cadre de la Guerre russo-turque de 1806-1812.
.   1841 : naissance de la Province du Canada prévue par l’Acte d’Union.

+ +


.   …Утром по радио передали о погоде: в Новосибирске 36 градусов мороза, в Барнауле - 38, в Сталинске - 34, в Томске - 38.
.   У нас в Смоленском 40 градусов мороза. Вот уже месяц доходит, как с 17 января стоят крепкие, лютые морозы. Зима нынче суровая. Такой холодной зимы, с сорокаградусными морозами, давно не было.
.   …
+.  Ва́льтер Ге́рманович Криви́цкий (Самуил Ге́ршев Ги́нзберг; 28 июня 1899-10 февраля 1941) - высокопоставленный сотрудник ИНО НКВД, невозвращенец (сентябрь 1937).
.   По утверждению Кима Филби, К. покончил с собой, разочаровавшись в «свободном мире». Это
можно было бы счесть пропагандистской «уткой», если бы не три предсмертных записки и отчёт FBI.
+G.6 Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover February 10, 1941

+On February 10, 1941, Truman spoke to the Senate about the problems he had seen on his long drive, and he put forward the idea to have a special oversight committee on military contracts. It was the first new idea that Truman presented to the nation and he received a positive reaction. Other senators were favorable to the notion that their views on spending would be heard and that valuable military contracts would be distributed more evenly to each state. Truman also talked to John W. Snyder and other attorneys of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Defense Plant Corporation about how to avoid the problems of lost paperwork, wasted time in investigation, and lost productivity experienced during the Great War. He was advised that a swift-acting oversight committee would be a great benefit to the nation’s war production.
See Mar., 1
+- Iceland was attacked by German planes. In July, the US 5th ID will be deployed for occupation of «the defense» of Iceland.
The 34th ID was subsequently activated on February 10, 1941, with troops from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. The division was transported by rail and truck convoys to the newly constructed Camp Claiborne in Rapides Parish, Louisiana near Alexandria.
On February 10, 1941, major (February 1941) Thomas Webster Steed was named commander of the 30th Heavy Bomb Group (activated on 15 Jan), one of a dozen new groups created in January 1941 in preparation for War.
The US Army’s 203rd General Hospital was activated on February 10, 1941, to meet anticipated military medical needs of a country preparing for war. Initially, the group was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, as a subsidiary of the base hospital there, and its primary function was to train medical technicians as army hospital and clinic support staff.
War Diary for Monday, 10 February 1941UK
Upon completion of his fact-finding tour, Harry Hopkins departs by air for New York.
Four Japanese cruisers visit Bangkok.
Südwestpazifik.   Die japan. 7. Kreuzerdivision mit den Schweren Kreuzern Suzuya, Mikuma, Mogami und Kumano führt Flottenbesuche in Bangkok und Saigon durch.
+On February 10, 1941, the Supreme Council of the Moldavian SSR of the first convocation adopted the Constitution of the Moldavian SSR.
The emblem was adopted on February 10, 1941 by the government of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic.
10 февраля 1941 года, понедельник

.   «ВЕСЕННИЙ ПОТОК» (вечером) - Первый, Колизей, Ударник, Художественный, Центральный. Метрополь (2 зала). Динамо, им. Моссовета, Родина (1 зал), Тагаюгкий, Форум, ЦПКвО им. Горького, Шторм, Орион.
+The Ponomarev / Chabukiani revival of La Bayadère premiered on February 10, 1941 to a resounding success, with Natalia Dudinskaya as Nikiya and Vakhtang Chabukiani as Solor.
Monday, February 10, 1941From London… Churchill formally instructs Wavell to regard help for Greece as having a higher priority than exploiting the success in North Africa. He mentions the important effect on American opinion of being seen to fulfill promises to smaller nations. Colonel Bill Donovan has recently been on a tour of the Balkans on Roosevelt’s behalf and is known to value the idea of fighting the Germans there. The British also hope to make a good impression on Turkey and perhaps even establish a Balkan coalition against Hitler.
+Главарь оппозиции (Австралия)
Monday 10 February, Sydney
Addresses annual convention of the Australian Workers Union, pledging the ‘complete cooperation of the Labour Party in the Commonwealth’s war effort’.
Petsamo CrisisMannerheim submitted his letter of resignation on February 10, claiming that the continuing appeasement made it impossible to defend the country against an invader. He took his resignation back the next day after discussions with Ryti and after stricter instructions were sent to negotiators: 49% of mining rights to the SU, the power plant to a separate Finnish company, reservation of the highest management positions for Finns and no further Soviet agitation against Finland. The SU rejected those terms on February 18, thus ending nickel negotiations.
Гадигей Ф. Дневник
10 февраля 1941.   …
.  Буле:
.   а. Донесения о боевом и численном составе вновь сформированных дивизий группы армий Лееба в общем дают вполне удовлетворительную картину.
.   б. Формирование трех управлений корпусов и семи охранных дивизий из трех дивизий ландвера для нужд генерал-квартирмейстера на Востоке.
.   …
.  Паулюс:
.   …
.   б. Вопрос о дорогах на Востоке. Доклад фон Зальмута.
+XEOY was founded on February 10, 1941 by Ignacio Díaz Raygosa and Jose Iturbe Umantour; Raygosa was the grandson of former Mexican president Porfirio Díaz, while Umantour’s grandfather was José Yves Limantour, the finance secretary for most of the Porfiriato. The first broadcast of XEOY-AM was the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven.
+.  François Darlan devient vice-président du conseil et successeur désigné de Pétain.
der 10.2.1941, der 10. Februar 1941 war ein Montag.   In einem Kompetenzstreit zwischen dem Propagandaministerium und dem Oberkommando der Wehrmacht erhält letzteres durch eine Grundsatzentscheidung von Führer und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler die Zuständigkeit in allen Fragen der militärischen Zensur, Propaganda und Wehrmachtsvertretung in der Öffentlichkeit.
.   Großbritannien bricht die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Rumänien ab, das enge Kontakte zum Deutschen Reich unterhält.
+U-93. Damage caused by a Whitley bomber (RAF Sqdn 502, pilot J. A. Walker) bombing and strafing the boat accelerated her return to base at Lorient for three months of repairs.
12 boats at sea: U-37, U-48, U-52, U-69, U-73, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-103, U-107, U-123.
Sailed: From Kiel: U-69. Entering base: To Lorient, France: U-106 (38 days).
U-147 was damaged by ice in the North Sea and sailed to Cuxhaven.
+RAF Bomber Command sends
222 aircraft to attack Hannover overnight.
43 aircraft to attack Rotterdam overnight, including first operational flights by Stirling bombers. [Stirling]
(evening) Over 222 British aircraft bomb Hanover, doing great damage. Seven bombers are shot down. This is the largest aerial raid against a single target so far.
(evening) The British four-engined Short Stirling bomber debuts in active service. Their first operation is against oil tanks at Rotterdam.
Kriegstagebuch für Montag den 10. Februar 1941
Luftkrieg.  Europa: 189 RAF-Bomber greifen in der Nacht vom 10. auf den 11. Februar Hannover an. Der viermotorige schwere strategische Bomber Short Stirling fliegt in der gleichen Nacht seinen ersten Einsatz, als drei Flugzeuge der 7. Staffel Öltanks bei Rotterdam bombardieren.
.  Unternehmen Colossus: Englische Fallschirmjäger, welche durch auf Malta stationierte Whitley-Bomber zu ihrem Ziel geflogen werden, zerstören das Tragino-Aquädukt in Süd-Italien.
Operation Colossus: British commandos destroy Tragino Aqueduct.
[Operation Colossus] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Colossus>
6 Whitley bombers of No. 91 Squadron RAF delivered 38 paratroopers of British No. 11 SAS Battalion to the Tragino aqueduct in southern Italy at 2200 hours in what was codenamed Operation Colossus. They were to plant explosives on one of the columns to stop supplies of fresh water to nearby military and civilian centers.
Accordo segreto tedesco-spagnolo.   Il governo tedesco e quello spagnolo stipulano un accordo (segreto) in base al quale la Spagna si impegna a respingere un eventuale attacco da parte delle forze alleate occidentali.
Messaggio di Churchill a Wavell sulla situazione in Grecia.   Churchill telegrafa a Wavell, comandante in capo delle forze armate inglesi nel Medio Oriente: “La distruzione della Grecia” ammonisce il premier inglese “metterebbe in ombra le vittorie ottenute dalle forze inglesi in Libia e la nostra indifferenza per la sorte degli alleati potrebbe […]
Semovente da 75/18The first prototype was quickly assembled and delivered, on February 10, 1941, only 13 months after the first M13/40 tank upon which it was based. After that, 60 more examples were ordered. They were delivered in 1941, and were then shipped to North Africa in January 1942. This initial batch was based on the M13 chassis, with its weak 125 hp engine.
+Monday February 10th 1941
The Post Office at Turnchapel, Plymstock, reopened at 9am on Monday February 10th 1941 as a result of protests about its closure back in July 1940.
Battle of Southern Honan ends as Japanese 11th Army returns to bases around Hsinyang.
+Due to withdrawal of many Railway Post Office (RPO) trains from service, the U.S. Post Office Department decided to experiment with distribution of mail on large buses equipped similarly to RPO cars. On February 10, 1941, experimental service started on the Washington, DC & Harrisonburg, Virginia HPO. It was a success from the start, but due to War, expansion of the service was delayed for several years.


+ +1951
Over 700 villagers are gunned down by Army soldiers in Geochang, South Gyeongsang Province, who mistakenly suspected them of collaborating with North Korean guerrillas.
1961HMS Walrus completed
.   Филёвский автобусно-троллейбусный парк 10 февраля 1961 г. начал применение первых ЛиАЗ-158. В то время в ФАТП было 295 пассажирских и 20 грузовых троллейбусов.
+ +
2021“Collapse Of Newborn Population Is Really Here”: Births In China Plummeted 15% In 2020
South China Morning Post. “В 2020 г. д/х-ва прописали (hukou, данные «предварительные») 10,035 млн. новорождённых по ср-ю с 11,79 млн. в 2019, Министерство общественной безопасности, понедельник.”
Снижение продолжается с 2018 - самого низкого с 1961. В 2019 доля детей и подростков сравнялась с долей пожилых и стариков (> 60).
.  А енти нащитали ажно 30 прОцентивь…
.   «В 2020 г. новорожденных 10,035 тыс., из них 5,29 млн. или 52,7%, - мальчики, 4,74 млн. или 47,3%, - девочки». По Наци. бюро статистики, в 2019 г. в КНР родилось 14,65 млн. детей, в 2018-м - 15,23 млн, в 2017-м - 17,23 млн, а в 2016 - 17,86 млн. <https://www.ng.ru/health/2021-02-09/8_8078_news2.html>
+9 февраля. FINMARKET.RU
.   Ценники на подсолнечник и масло в РФ продолжают обновлять рекорды, еженедельные наблюдения «СовЭкон».
.   За прошлую неделю ценники на подсолнечник укрепились на 1325 *блей до 42725 за т (без НДС), на масло - на 2825 *блей до 95500 за т (с НДС). <http://www.finmarket.ru/news/5407706>




Сырьевой придаток

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