So I've been toiling away on the kink are the fruits of some of my labors. Let me know if any of the links don't go where I said they go, or if I've linked something here that I linked/posted previously on the journal. There's such a volume of content it's easy to make mistakes.
Kirk = Emotional Roller-coaster ExtraordinairePairing: implied George/Pike, some kind of Pike/Jim
Rating: R
Summary: Jim gets something of the wrong idea, and Pike finds out a little more about the son of the man he loved. It bothers him.
From Russia With Love (aka: A Little Mix-Up)Pairing: Scotty/Chekov
Rating: ...probably R
Summary: Scotty wanted a Russian Mail-Order Bride. He didn't get exactly what he wanted, but he learned to be more than pleased with what he got instead.
The Many Sides (and Outfits) of Jim KirkThreesome: Pike/Jim/Bones
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jim has different "looks" depending on what he wants for the evening. Bones finds out one of the goals isn't something he expected from his womanizing friend. Somehow, this leads to a threesome.
Good BoyPairing: Kirk/Chekov
Rating: PG-13, mentions sex toys
Summary: Pavel is not proud of himself. Jim gives him a treat anyway. Part of my Puppy!Chekov 'verse, the original post is linked in the content (Christ, it's practically a series)
Stay Off the Furniture!Pairing: McCoy/Chekov
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Bones had a bad day. Puppy helps relieve some stress. Part of my Puppy!Chekov 'verse, so I put it below a similar part.
Learning to Live (and affiliated stories)
...Foursome: Nero/Pike/George/Winona
Rating: NC-17
Summary: only Nero survived the singularity caused by the Red Matter. He gets taken in by the Kirks and their third, Chris Pike. This leads to sexing. One of the affiliated stories contains some implied Bones/Jim. Most of them are just kiddie cuteness with Nero.
A Lump of Coal for You!Pairing: Bones/Kirk
Rating: R
Summary: Jim cons Bones into wearing a Santa suit for the Enterprise holiday party. Bones wants to know why, which, naturally, leads to fantasy realization on Jim's part.
Mean Admiral Is Mean (couldn't think of anything better >.<')
Pairing: Komack/Kirk dubcon, preslash Bones/Kirk
Rating: heavy R
Summary: Jim wants his CMO, dammit.
Close Your Eyes and I'll Kiss YouPairing: Bones/Jim
Rating: R
Summary: Jim is...surprisingly naive at times. Bones takes it upon himself to corrupt his captain.
Habit-FormingPairing: Bones/Jim (hmmm, I detect a pattern)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: something is missing from Jim's bedroom.
Captains Do It BetterPairing: Robau/Jim, implied past Robau/George
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Robau is catapulted into the future somehow, completely unhurt. Then he sexes up Jim Kirk. PWP, obviously.
Fuck Russia!Pairing: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: R, despite shortness, there is bukkake implied
Summary: Sulu didn't expect such a...strong reaction to his ill-advised exclamation.
Notes: scroll down a bit to find the fic, it's buried under some other comments.
My Name's Pasha!Pairing: some Sulu/Chekov if you squint
Rating: PG because Sulu has a pottymouth
Summary: deaged!Chekov is somehow Sulu's responsibility, which is just not fair.
Troubles Unlooked-ForPairing: Johnny/Jim, maybe a touch of Bones/Jim
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jim's stepdad took exception to one of his friends. It's years before Jim figures out the real reason why.
Lies > Truth?Pairing: none, actually
Rating: PG-13-ish
Summary: five times one of James Tiberius Kirk's crew-members lied to him for his own good, and one time they really shouldn't have let him draw his own conclusions.
FinallyPairing: Bones/Jim
Rating: PG-ish?
Summary: modern AU, in which Jim and Bones are sort of teachers at a university. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Surprisingly Harmless AccidentPairing: none
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Summary: Chekov gets de-aged. Jim looks on. Very short fic.
Tide Waits for No ManPairing: ...OMC/OFC, I guess. Set on Delta Vega
Rating: ...we'll go with PG-15 for some sexual imagery
Summary: crack. This is crack. I can't even explain it.
Oops, There Goes My...Pairing: OMC/girl!Chekov, Scotty/girl!Chekov
Rating: PG, pretty much. Nothing worse than you read in the Comics page
Summary: I really have no idea. 1950s AU, girl!Chekov is a too-young wife of a bloke who doesn't deserve her, and Scotty is a local repairman. They don't have a storybook romance, but Polinka relies on him.
How 'Bout Another First Kiss?Pairing: Sarek/Amanda
Rating: PG
Summary: Vulcan kisses are fun and all, but sometimes a girl needs a little more than that!
His Life-Long MissionPairing: Nero/Jim WTF?!
Rating: PG
Summary: Nero is sole survivor, blah blah, stays with the Kirks and somehow ends up as Jim's guard dog bodyguard. And maybe has a little kissy face with Jimmy.
EmptyPairing: Bones/Jim
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Bones is a little...adventuresome in bed. I can't believe I wrote this unanon. I can't believe I'm linking it here.
Russian CouragePairing: Chekov/You
Rating: R
Summary: you're an 18-year-old engineer who's been flirting with Pavel Chekov pretty obviously. He calls you on it, and the innocent ensign you were crushing on turns out to be...less than innocent.