Links ;w;

Jan 28, 2010 02:21

 So, I installed Windows 7.  Overall, I'm very pleased.

Except I didn't back up my bookmarks, so now I don't have any of my kink meme prompts marked anymore.  This includes ones I was planning to respond to...eventually.  There may even be a few that I responded to but haven't archived.  I don't think so, but since I can't definitively say otherwise...

*sigh* this is really unfortunate.  What's the worst is I lost my WIP links - including for some of the fics I was writing directly as commentfic, meaning I have no backup copies.  Please, if you have any of my WIP fics favorited, could you reply with the link?  *cuddles everyone* as is, it could be a very long time before I finish them.  But not having the links would probably mean never finishing them.
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