Jesus Tap-Dancin' Christ on a Pogo Stick

Sep 14, 2009 01:13

Dudes, I leave you alone for what, a month, month and a half, and what do you do?


I am both awed and slightly repulsed.  I am also finally caught up to part 14, with one complete new fic and another in the tubes.  Twelve or thirteen more and y'all will have another fic dump coming :D  In the mean-time, I may get around to archiving again.  I should also work on my gorram Big Bang fic.  Has that deadline passed yet?  I want to say it was the end of September, but I may have failed miserably.  I feel like I should have gotten some communication from the comm management.

*shrug* if I missed the deadline, I'll polish it up on my own and post it here for my beloved readers, in the hopes that one of you will bless me with artwork (that's the main reason I was doing the Big Bang, anyway, promise of illustration).

School's going okay, though I'm suffering through the drama of being waitlisted for a class I usually love and kind of need for my major.  Hopefully it will work out; if it doesn't, I'm restructuring my major.  I don't want to talk about it or hear more about it, I just thought I'd let y'all know that actual class scheduling has been a bit rough for me so if I'm still not terribly prolific for a while, that's why.  I love most of my classes, but language classes are a bitch and a half to schedule, especially when you need to schedule them around other languages : /

Anyway!  I'm all moved back into my dorm and settling in pretty well socially (sophomore year feels a lot easier than freshman year, and I'm definitely way more interested in most of my classes).  Soon I'm going to have to work out a balancing act between social life, fanfic, original fiction, tabletop gaming, and my MMORPG of choice, Lord of the Rings Online.  I hardly played at all during the summer, and I'm starting to seriously jones for leveling.  Plus, an expansion's due out soon :D  We'll get to go to Mirkwood!!!

I love y'all and think of you often and mourn that I haven't more time for fic.
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