Jul 28, 2013 13:32
So I've still been sick; I kind of punted on a few weeks. But I also feel a little more with it. Still walking the dog(!) I missed my new meds one day and felt too bruised and sore to manage it, which is a good indication that their effect is less subtle than it feels like. I also climb the big hill with a lot more ease now. I still have monster crashes so I think they don't touch fatigue or post-exertional malaise (I'm having a big one like clockwork starting midmorning and running past noon, plus an occasional bonus baby one in the early evening; I am definitely at a busy place in my crash cycle.) But my mornings go smoother, and I do my walks better, and I don't feel like I have to pry myself up with a crowbar to get out of bed or like I've stiffened into a chair like an ice cube freezing into an awkward stuck shape. This is really nice. I have a concerning side effect (not in the red flag "Call Doctor Immediately" list but enough to be concerned about if it continues) that I am keeping an eye on, that might prevent me from ramping up. I'll talk to my doctor this week if it persists, since I'm supposed to ramp up again after this week.
We're still planning on going to GaymerX, which is looming up (next weekend, eeee). We have a dogsitter for that one but not for Depoe Bay. We're worried about putting him in the kennel because it's a chaotic environment and he gets injured so easily; we had a long time healing him up from the last injury he got in day care, and then he was coned for what seemed for eternity for the "minor, one day in the cone" (ha!) dewclaw tear. Poor doggo is not made of very sturdy stuff, and he moves so fast and doesn't look where he's going. It's been very nice to have him in fine fettle again, and I want to keep him that way. Probably some of this is also reaction to Jack -- his cancer got bad while we were on a trip. Moose had a cancer blow up on a trip, too, though he made it through that. Part of my hindbrain is telling me with sincere irrationality that travel is bad for dogs. Despite all of the successful trips we've made with dogs. Anyhow, the dogsitter we have for this one knows him and likes him and lives right upstairs and will take him in with her dogs at night, so he'll have a fine time. I just wish she were around for the next one!