Plenty to be Thankful For

Nov 24, 2012 19:57

Thanksgiving went really well, through no efforts of my own; Brad and tamago and my mother did everything, especially Tamago, who took on my dishes in addition to what she was doing, and they came over early to help with everything. Wow!  Brad does say that the project plan I wrote while waiting around at the doctor's was very helpful, but he may have been being nice.  Anyhow we'll polish it up and use pretty much the same one for next year, because if it works, it'll work even better again, right?

I spent most of it on the couch with my foot up, though I was able to sit up for the main part of dinner, which was lovely.  Everything turned out well.  We used the Serious Eats turkey recipe, with the exception being that we didn't bother stuffing the turkey (too much work) and instead of baking the stuffing in contention with the turkey roasting, we cooked it in a crock pot -- brilliant.  And then finished it off in the oven after the turkey came out.  I now see the point of crock pots; they really shine when your oven is monopolized.  Tamago even made GF biscuits, glee!  And brought not one but two different kinds of fresh cranberry sauce.  (The smooth was Teo's favorite.)  So much feasting, and we've been noshing on leftovers all weekend; Brad just finished making the turkey soup.

My foot still hurts pretty badly when it's down, so I'm just lying around with it up.  I am able to get around a little better now, and even managed to get myself some leftover biscuits for a snack today.  It is hurting less rather than more so I am presuming that it's healing properly.  I get a checkup next week and hopefully a cast.  The splint is pretty uncomfortable, though I can find positions where it's not bad.  I've been dozing a lot and watching stuff on youtube and in general lazing around.

Chance has been good and appreciates Thanksgiving quite a bit, because he gets lots of scraps and dishes to lick.  He is smart enough to get up if he's flopped where I want to go with the wheelchair -- he won't get up when I call him (as he's quite lazy during the days) but when I roll near him he is very prompt.  He can also crawl *under* the wheelchair, as I found to my amusement when he wanted to get to Brad while it was in a doorway between them.  He first measured himself under it to make sure he could go, then popped through.  Probably best that I wasn't in it at the time, but very amusing.

food, fun, health

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