Foods for the Week

Dec 04, 2011 17:22

We had turkey soup all last week, but other than some squirrelled-away gravy (ohhh yes gravy) we're pretty well done with Thanksgiving leftovers now. Last week was pretty simple: dal, no eggs (because of the turkey soup), stir-fried curried veggies (mostly cabbage and leeks), and random salads. The kiwifruit I got was Just Not Ripening so we ran low on fruit by the end of the week, but otherwise it was pretty well back on the wagon after holiday excess.

There was still a need for relative austerity, so this week's menu is black bean and butternut squash veggie chili, leek and potato soup, random salad (buttermilk dressing this week), and random fruit. (Probably mostly pluots, maybe some apples for Brad, and perhaps the kiwifruit will deign to ripen. We have not yet dug into the blueberries we froze last summer.) We still have some of that great Chimayo red chili we got in Santa Fe; it's on the old side now so we* just used more, and it still tastes fabulous compared to other chili powders. I know I'm all about the local foods but that counts as an ingredient, like coffee and tea, that really just grows better in another part of the world, so I'll probably mail order another bag when we run out. I still like local chilis, especially fresh ones, but I think I have found my One True Chili Powder. Green chiles from New Mexico are also astoundingly good.

* Values of "we" that mean Brad is still doing all the cooking while I'm so darned tired.


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