Tidying Up

Aug 07, 2011 11:48

My mind is a very cluttered place, and so my journal is much the same. I'm trying to go through and tag at least the more recent untagged entries, as well as consolidate my sprawling mass of tags into something a little leaner and meaner. I don't really want to mirror to Dreamwidth while my tags are a writhing mess, because then I wind up with messy tags over there as well.

Even more appealing re: tag consolidation is the ability to subscribe to only a specific tag. Whoa! Both LJ and Dreamwidth support that. Since this journal is raw and personal and goes into nitty gritty TMI about my ongoing struggle with I'm Tired and Stupid I may still want to compartmentalize by getting a real blog and putting structured and less personal stuff there, and probably mirroring it to here on the presumption that structured and edited posts are in fact more interesting than my normal "open client, let fingers ramble away" style of posting. But if I keep the tags more or less in line, people would then have the choice between subbing to tags that combine ramble/structure here, or just structure on the real blog. Hmmm.

This might tempt me to write more structured stuff. I don't think I think in a structured fashion about any one subject enough to fill a blog, but I might do so about disparate stuff in my areas of interest, and thinking/writing does seem to exercise the parts of my brain with cognitive issues, so it's actually thereputic as well, if tiring.

works, geek, thinks

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