Few Posts for the Usual Reasons

Feb 17, 2011 13:45

Yeah, I've been back in the thick of it again. I miss doing yoga, especially on the days where walking a block is a major challenge (or I can't get up at all, though those have been no more than once a week on average, I think.)

I am spending most mornings conked out after breakfast, and usually after lunch as well. I'm usually too out of it to manage the mask at that time, but I'm pretty good with the mask at night, and I'm usually able to sleep through the night with it. The good news is that I'm adjusted to it. The bad news is that it is not a magical cure for the fibro, which is as bad as ever. I feel even worse if I skip the mask, though, so it's incentive to stay on it. I will probably get my pressure adjusted up at the next visit, and that might help, but I am not holding my breath. (O ho ho.) It is still inflating me some nights, I guess if I sleep in a bad position, and I'll wake up with my stomach hurting like crazy, but for the most part I have figured out how to sleep in such a way that it doesn't turn me into a human balloon.

I'm still managing to pack lunch/dinner every day, but I can be pretty amazingly slow at it. Sometimes I have to sit down and rest several times during the process. It is annoying to be so weak and slow. I like the routine, though, and having one concrete thing to do every day. I wish I could manage that better, and manage more than one thing, but I'll start there.

I'm playing LOTRO when I have the energy, which is pretty spotty. Otherwise I am sleeping, reading (but rarely remembering what I read), playing solitaire, and basically being a very expensive house pet. My visual comprehension is back to where I can read some webcomics again if they aren't too densely packed or annoyingly lettered; I do better with really cleanly lettered ones with simple art, like Gunnerkrigg Court and Order of the Stick. I am deeply behind on recipe blogs but I haven't had the energy to really cook for months, so that's not the end of the world. Brad has been doing a killer job doing the batch cooking on weekends but I wish I could help out more. On the plus side we've developed an easy vegetarian chili recipe that he actually likes. (He is a no-bean chili kind of person, and he doesn't really like beans, so this was a fun challenge.)

Jack is doing well; he is cute and is excellent at helping me get out of bed and walk in the mornings, since he enjoys it so much. It was both pouring and windy during our walk today but he had so much fun that I felt pretty okay about it after my initial whining. He really enjoys the towel game after the wet walks, where we dry him off and he basks in all the attention.

food, reviews, critters, fun, health

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