Aspirational Cooking Blogs (for Teresa)

Dec 23, 2010 18:58

I realized that other people might be interested in these too, so am posting publically rather than just sending off email with links.

Ideas in Food -- I can't execute even a fraction of what they do (sous vide, yeahright) but the flavor combinations and ideas are still very thought-provoking so this one is fun to read.

Cooking Issues -- Also full of stuff I can't execute but hugely thought provoking, like experiments at eggs cooked at different temperatures, adding a bit of salt to coffee to make it less bitter ("how MUCH salt," they wonder), etc.

Hunter Angler Gardener Cook -- not all of the posts might appeal as it talks about hunting and cooking game, but the foraging posts are amazing as well. I love the attitude towards ingredients, for example a post where he tries to figure out how to use a foraged ingredient that he might not have any specific recipes for.

Alinea at Home -- She cooked her way through the French Laundry's cookbook and now she's cooking her way through Alinea's. Wow! Watching this inspires creativity with flavor combinations, and the substitutions and changes are fascinating, too. (She's very skilled but some things are just harder in a home kitchen... plus she's one of the many food bloggers who has become celiac, so she has to work hard at some of her subs.)

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef -- it's pretty obvious why I'd like this one. But the thing I like about it the most is that it doesn't take gluten-free cooking as a limitation; this is honest good food, a love affair with food. This is one of the bloggers who exhaustively learned how to make a good gluten-free pastry dough. I haven't checked out the knifework movies yet as I am slow at watching videos, but they are likely very worthwile.

My Tartelette -- I actually save tons of recipes from here but am generally too lazy to make. I use some of the flavor combinations in some of my other cooking, though.

La Tartine Gourmande -- very similar to Tartelette, I find these recipes luscious and then never actually get around to making them.

Cannelle et Vanille -- Short shameful confession; I often confuse this one with the two above. They all feature beautiful pictures of luscious desserts. If the blogosphere were a geography they'd all be located on Delicious Desserts That I Can Usually Eat But Am Too Lazy To Make Island.

David Lebovitz -- Two words: Ice cream. Another thing I never make but want to. Features wonderful insights to shopping and cooking in Paris, as well. Someday I am going to make his caramelized white chocolate recipe. (It is actually very simple.)

Clearly this list is of aspirational blogs rather than practical blogs, given my lack of actual baking or making any recipes that require a lot of fuss....

food, reviews

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