Miracle Strawberries and Miscellanea

Nov 24, 2010 08:28

This November has been a very strange month: there were strawberries yesterday at my grocery pickup. Of course I got some. Strawberries in November! Apparently there were just enough warm days recently to ripen them.

In general our cooking plan went well, but the delicious-appearing custard baked in a kabocha squash turned out to be problematic; the custard didn't set, and leaving it in for ten more minutes caused the squash to fall apart. The resultant mess was still tasty but not exactly the presentation 'wow' we were hoping for. Also something in what I have now renamed the "death custard" made me very very ill; I am guessing the condensed milk. (This is a surprise as I was able to successfully eat canned evaporated milk a week ago.) So instead we are going to bring dull but safe ramekins of pumpkin pie filling for Thanksgiving. Cleaning out the pantry has resulted in interesting new dishes that we may never eat again, though honestly I would not mind a return of the almond sauce noodles. Yummy! (We just used the recipe on the bag of kelp noodles, subbing in almond butter for peanut butter.) The tikka masala mac & cheese was also very tasty. Today we are having rogan josh fettucine with ground lamb and green beans.

I managed to lock myself out of the house yesterday while picking up the groceries, but had my ipod so I could frantically attempt to email Brad. However, he was on a business call and didn't read it, so he didn't find out until he got home that I was locked out. By then I had gotten myself somewhere warm and left a note for him. (Keys were in coat; not bringing coat was a far more clever idea when I thought I'd only be out for ten minutes.) Yes, we need cellphones. I was grateful to have a nice warm place to wait. Asana now marks stuff as (gf) on their menu, which is nifty, because I was hungry and cold when I got there. In honor of the extra calories I gave Brad my death custard rather than trying it myself to confirm that it would still make me sick on the third serving.

The bipap is progressing, though I seem to end up swallowing more air if I have had a lot of flareups from eating stupid things. (Maybe it messes with my stomach?) So I wake up feeling like a balloon a lot. I still feel better with interrupted sleep + bipap than a full night's sleep without. I have been totally lame about getting with the DME so am just doing it without the card for now. Data shmata.

Update: the late strawberries were very tasty. Not summer-peak but not white-cored, with a good texture if a little crisp, with a lot of flavor and aroma. There were still tomatoes at the farmers market last week. It has been a funny November.

food, health

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