Sorta Cooking Update

May 22, 2010 15:58

I've been completely flattened, but we've still been managing to keep up with the cooking between us.

Right now we're finishing off a batch of scarlet runner beans cooked with ground turkey, swiss chard, and yams, along with some turkey stock. Brad cooked this but I organized the spices, toasting some of the whole ones. There wasn't any turkey sausage I wanted at the store so I improvised a spice blend with a lot of toasted fennel to make it sausage-y.

I got some radishes with nice greens so I made walnut and radish green pesto, and then used that as a salad dressing on a nice radishy salad. Given how tired I've been I think I want to start making more marinated salads out of sturdy veggies that I can make in a big batch and then use for two to three days; chopping has been taking a lot out of me! I should also probably get Brad to help with the soup and salad prep.

Today I finally got around to making soup with the ingredients I picked up on Wednesday: onion, broccoli, zucchini, about half of the stems of the big elephant garlic blossoms, and veggie stock, with some lemon juice and zest added near the end. I also tossed in some parmesan cheese rinds and the resulting soup was nice topped with grated parmesan as well. I pureed it but first I took out some of the broccoli florets so I could add them back in whole.

I also roasted a turban squash but ended up overcooking it (I lost track of it while getting lunch together) and it was too bitter and nasty to eat so alas poor squash, you are now compost. It might have been a little old and bitter to begin with, too.

This weekend the plan is to make a frittata (I want to use the rest of the garlic stems, and the garlic blossoms, which were very nice in the test mini-frittata I made for breakfast). The stems are a little tough so I think I should roast them first. Fogline Farms has put their chicken on sale so I want to do a whole roast chicken next week; we'll eat some meals we've frozen to fill in any gaps around the frittata and to clear out the freezer for new offerings. I also have a whole jicama and a bunch of beets that should get used up somehow; maybe in a salad together with some more radishes or something?

food, health

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