
Jun 12, 2009 02:04

@othergretchen's tweets:

  • 07:05 Got to sleep in an hour, which is very very good. ~5 hours total. Moose just came in to keep me company.
  • 07:55 My body may be head to toe aches but my brain knows if I get to walking some of that will work itself out. *pries self out of bed*
  • 09:42 Dreamed I couldn't find the colo and needed to show someone where it was. I probably can't find it anymore....
  • 09:43 Nosy dog is full of nose.
  • 10:15 I have a yeast-free friend visiting. Any fermentation gotchas I should know about besides wine, vinegar, bread, soy sauce?
  • 10:34 Dear websites, bouncing me to your mobile-adapted front page instead of the linked page I actually wanted to read is not helpful. Love, me.
  • 15:04 Courtesy of @BruceMri: Gotta peanut? Made me laugh!
  • 16:07 Still fatigued but today is Much Better than yesterday, such a relief as we have things to do this weekend.
  • 17:43 WotD @mishellbaker To see hyperbole demonstrated I merely need to start fixing supper for the dogs.
  • 18:59 Yay, found the spoons to go get a haircut. Not salon but anything will be an improvement!
  • 19:28 ... Except when I called them they forgot to mention they were completely booked. So now I'm out of time/energy and still need a haircut.
  • 19:49 Cranky and don't even want to pack now. Oh well! It's gotten barely long enough to braid back, and I may be able to get it cut at SFO or CO.
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