
Jun 10, 2009 02:03

@othergretchen's tweets:

  • 04:07 These 4am wakeups are for the birds. Blah #fibro sleep disruption. At least I got a bit more sleep tonight (but hid earplugs in my sleep?!)
  • 09:01 We're getting the water pressure fixed today, so the kitchen sink will do more than trickle. Yay!
  • 09:10 I really should eat breakfast but it is cold so I'm huddled in bed.... Doh, I really should close the windows. The house is aired out!
  • 14:01 Based on comments, I tweaked the buttermilk fried chicken recipe from @simplyrecipes for #gfree baking; it is SO good. Must fry next time.
  • 14:05 Broccoli etc. soup also passed Brad seal of approval and I better get to freezing before I eat it all. Used a Hanna sweet instead of potato.
  • 16:06 So odd that I'm feeling basically better but still crashing so much! Maybe it's from all the sleep disruption?
  • 18:31 Reading @robdonoghue, @BryantD, and @fredhicks on gaming is really getting me in the mood to step it back up.
  • 18:39 I should whine to @carlrigney to run something again... Maybe in Mview? Uh... Somewhere dog-friendly? Darn.
  • 18:41 Or online... Hmm could I keep focus for online? Even today's kinder, gentler, non-deathmarches? Crazy anyhow, spoons are used up into July.
  • 18:57 For someone who is usually too lazy to peel beets, I get awfully enthusiastic about them. Note to self: suck it up and peel delicious beets.
  • 22:28 Crossing my fingers for more than 4-6 hours sleep tonight....
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