
Jun 07, 2009 02:03

@othergretchen's tweets:

  • 05:51 Jack the nose alarm woke us up early!
  • 08:33 1Tbsp unsweetened non-dutched cocoa, 1 Deglet Noor date, hot water, blend well: surprisingly tasty cocoa. 1 date=~1tsp sugar. #gfree #gfcf
  • 09:03 Found some @Bobs_Red_Mill whole grain teff to play around with.
  • 09:13 I think six days exercising in a row is a record for me since I got sick... or at the very least for the year. I've also gotten to 45 min.
  • 18:34 Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzybrained. Soup is looking too challenging.
  • 20:27 Strangely compelling: photos of people's fridges.
  • 22:01 Snacking on miso soup before bedtime. I added a little sweet potato and basil, how Californian of me!
  • 22:09 I think either sweet potato or tofu for my miso soup, not both at once.
  • 22:12 WotD @mishellbaker "Defenestration isn't the most elegant form of murder, but it gets the job done."
    "Not from the first floor."
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