
Jun 06, 2009 02:05

@othergretchen's tweets:

  • 06:56 Still no ETA on #fixereplies though a fix was promised weeks ago? That's just lackadaisical. Transparency would be so easy too, @twitter.
  • 09:23 Trying to come up with a good easy high-protein #gfree, soy- and dairy-free breakfast snack for days when dairy is out. It's a toughie!
  • 09:24 This morning I can have dairy so I'm having a straw/blueberry smoothie. Mmm.
  • 11:01 I should make soup today! I have ingredients for broccoli soup.
  • 11:56 I just made cucumber table pickles as a kind of displacement activity for real chopping.
  • 19:21 Went shopping and found rice protein powder. Hmm, worth a try. Also tried a Think Thin cardboard bar, yuck. Dinner will be better.
  • 21:40 Modified Mark Bittman's Steamed Fish on Kale to use tender French chard, Thai basil, and sake.
  • 21:41 Too tired to chop. Soup tomorrow!
  • 21:49 I won't need to take fish oil for a bit; turns out sablefish has more fat than protein, wow. Even more than salmon. No wonder it's buttery!
  • 22:24 I've been eating a bit over 1200cal/day and feel more full than when I was eating crackers for probably twice that. Tossing empty food FTW.
  • 23:23 I've been trying Lose It, a free iPod/iPhone food/activity tracking app, and really like it. Just realized it doubles as an allergen log.
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