Back in the Haze

Aug 15, 2006 20:11

Overslept to an extreme today... try waking up at 3:30 PM. Am still very achy, so skipped most of the Tuesday ZG run. Yesterday I wasn't safe to drive so I skipped my allergy shots, so I can't blame the excessive flareups on shots. I dunno! Right now my schedule is very limited and game-oriented. I'd like to broaden it but don't know what to drop; I've already pared as much as I can just to try to maintain things (not working though). I just need to be patient and wait for the colder weather to make my life better. Patience is HARD. Is it here yet? How about NOW?

The nice weather even with all the darn plant procreation is actually pretty nice to be around, though I know it's zonking me out. We're getting to the time of year where there are still a lot of foggy mornings, but the afternoons are golden and beautiful. The elderberry tree is going crazy with joy and producing wave after wave of berries about which I am doing nothing; it will be a small miracle if I produce any elderberry sauce or liqueur this year. But even as compost it's pleasant to have all that bounty literally at the front doorstep, running the gamut from flowers to ripe berries as it gets ready for the next flush. Every year I think the feverfew is going to give up and every year it surprises me; this year it's enthusiastic single blossoms. It started out as a double-bloomed plant but now it sort of changes its mind a lot between single and double blooms. Either way it's pretty. The little labrador violets, with their purple and green leaves and tiny dark purple flowers, are creeping throughout the whole garden, bless them. There's even an oxalis I'm tolerating because it's a native and not as pernicious as the yellow-bloomed variety. I'm no longer a gardener, but I still very much enjoy having it around (Moose likes it too... yesterday I took him out in it and he just flopped around.)

Last Monday I made sour cream and mushroom chicken, which was so yummy even with lowfat sour cream. I had gobs of extra sauce and extra rice so just put those together as well. I was hoping to shop yesterday but uh no. But Brad is shopping for yummies today and if I have enough energy I will make crustless quiche tomorrow. Mmm. We're doing some D&D online Wednesday and Thursday so it'd be good to have meals squared away. Other than that we're done with gaming until the next con; I think all the slot zeroes are done. (Slot Zero is a Living Greyhawk term for judge tables; I get dispensation even though I'm not a judge for joining tables that aren't already full, because it lets Brad, who does judge, judge more, and I usually miss half of any con I sign up and pay for because I just can't manage to go every day. Called Slot Zero because con slots number from Slot 1 and up.) The online gaming lets us game frequently with Brad's sister and other people who aren't around locally, which is neat; he put together a PST timezone mailing list because there wasn't much available for people who can game in our timezone.

food, local, health

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