Title: Refresher
Pairing: Emily/Naomi
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6000
Disclaimer: None of the Skins characters belong to me.
Summary: Naomi's been waiting for Emily to come back from holiday. Does it matter?! This is more porn. DON'T READ AT WORK! Love to all <3
Refresher )
Comments 45
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I love Naomi so writing her is always a pleasure. Like, literally in this case ;)
Totally agreeing with you on the Gina front, but I'm hoping for SO much this series that I'm not sure I'll get Gina too! I shall settle for Naomily snogging... oh you mean that's already happening?! *rejoices*
LOL, I need to repair some Naomily hearts, do I? Does it count if they're not alone...?
ILU too, daughter of mine! <3
Could it be?
Flis writing naomily!?
The gods love me this weekend, they absolutely love me this weekend.
*will return with comment after actually having read the fic*
And, well! I wouldn't call myself a god but, you know, if you particularly feel that it's a fitting title for me then you may proceed. ;)
That was my brain melting to mush.
ah christ.
So um.
This was super hot, of course. of course. But what was so...great about it, I suppose, was just that it still spoke about their relationship. It's wild and out of control and grounded. And Naomi drives Emily insane and Emily shows it and the fact that she shows it drives Naomi insane, furthering the way she makes Emily feel and ahh it all just builds up into one big climax, pun intended.
You, my friend, are just....*swoon* I don't even know. God, I miss fandom. University has eaten my soul for the past week. Bring it back to me please? Silver platter optional.
Fandom is here when you want it, babes! And you'll have to be with it again next week for... wait, what's happening next week? I've forgotten...
Hope your brain's recovered! More porn soon!! <3
My pants thank you for this. Like, a lot.
(Near enough what you had in mind?)
Next up: Naomi and Emily do it in places that don't have Gina in them!
♥ !! :)
Enjoy your day off!
Ok... this pornorific visual cracked me up, ngl. Go shorty!
Everything else, *mwuh* - i kiss my gathered fingertips and throw them out into the air in praise of your talent for coaxing girl boners across the flist. Masterful, as per. *claps*
And gahdang, i loves Gina. Almost as cool as me own dear ma.
A delight. Thanks 4 it.
I do like to coax a girl boner. I think. Is that appropriate? IDC - GO NUTS, KIDS!
You're welcome man, thanks for reading!
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