Title: Hangover Cure
Pairing: Katie/Naomi
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4000
Disclaimer: None of the Skins characters belong to me.
Summary: Kind of set in the IKS verse. Well it is. Just a little bit of porn/fluff of my girls :) Oh, and this is for
thecon12 which is totally not your original prompt but is kind of maybe something that you would like. So MERRY
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It's nowt to do with IKS and... it's like the other way around from what you said. Oh, now I want to write it but I'm doing ~other things today. But it's been started.
I kind of... I do know what you mean, but I don't really want to taint IKS!Effy, do you know what I mean? Like, she's sorted her shit out here and I wouldn't want to cheapen it by having them all banging. So, another fic works best for them three to be shagging which I DO WANT. So, there we go ;)
The only other thing I did consider a little bit was doing a one-shot for her where it turns out she's basically fallen in love with Katie along the way, and the kiss at the party shocked her into realising it. But... that's not who I want this Effy to be. And, like, she wouldn't end up getting any anyway so it's not really worth it ;)
I doubt S4 will disappoint, really. But it might bring some things that we're not entirely happy with. I was re-watching Ep8 last night and I'm still annoyed that they all just fucking left Katie there - I just don't think any of them would have done it. So, like, I expect Skins to do ridiculous things like that...
Worst fear: Chris Miles situation. Or one of Naomily getting pregnant. DNW FOREVER!!
Otherwise... we'll see :)
I'm all for seeing different versions of Ef/N/K shagging though ;)
Skins does have a tendency to do some stupid insane things, like them abandoning Katie, I mean in RL there's no way I'd leave one of my friends behind, it's so retarded, and then there's the Emily/JJ thing which is still a bit WTF in my head, but ah wells.
They better not make E/N pregnant or have one of them die, that'd be so cliched and lame that I'd be over Skins like a shot.
Should have your K/E fic up in about an hour or so :)
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