Title: Edmund/Caspian drabble (snappy title, eh?)
Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia
Characters/Pairing: Edmund/Caspian
Disclaimer: CS Lewis has been dead for some time. If he were posting this stuff on the internet that would be weird, wouldn't it? Narnia is now owned by his estate, Walden Media & Disney. Not me.
Summary: Edmund and Caspian stumble across something unexpected.
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Happy birthday to the lovely
foxcass. Sorry this is a) late and b) angsty. No-one should have angst on their birthday but that's the way it turned out. Set during Prince Caspian and I guess it's movie-verse - they wouldn't have had time for wandering round the beach in the book. This note is now longer than the drabble. Sorry.
“Look,” Caspian whispered, stopping suddenly and grabbing Edmund’s arm. Caspian’s hand was warm through the thin fabric of Edmund’s shirt.
Caspian was staring, mesmerised, at the sparkling ocean in front of them.
“Mermaids,” said Edmund. “I wondered if there were any left.” He didn’t like the way Caspian was watching the figures playing in the water.
“I thought they were a myth.” Caspian laughed and turned a soul-searing grin on his companion. “But then, I thought you were a myth.”
“Things aren’t always what they seem.” Edmund said.
“No,” said Caspian. “ No, they're not.”
The smile fell from his face.