decided to write

Mar 08, 2004 16:12

hey everyone guess what i still have one of these lil journal things! hehe i stopped writing in it a couple of months ago but ya decided to write again. anyways i dont have much to say as most of the people that will read this will already know what has happened. but ya for right now friends are really good and boys are just confusing! school is going alright, today was a really fun day we did like nothing and i got to talk to a bunch of my friends that i normally dont talk to with as much anymore. and ya so over the weekend i hung out with danyel a lot which was super fun! gosh i love that girl! and on friday was services and alexa spent the night too and that was cool then on sat me and danyel went to the movies with alex and nick and saw starsky and hutch, cute movie but we were really quiet there. after that we went back to danyels to like hang out and watch sixth sense...really good movie and less akward. nick's a cool guy. and then sunday was awesome! purim carnival with all my jewish guys! it was super fun and nick and alex came too and ya it was just a good day for me. kinda felt bad for flirting with everyone especially right in front of nick but ya he would probably end up seeing that side of me sooner or later so ya o well and ya so im in a good mood. but still dont know what im gunna do about sadies! if anyone has some advice feel free to share your wisdom with me! hehe anyways ill talk to you all later and will try to write in here more often hehe alright bye bye!
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