May 07, 2007 00:05
I hate the end of semesters. There's always waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to do that's packed into a couple of weeks. Man oh man!
I'm done with a couple of things... pretty much all done with Biostats, actually, just one final - a CUMULATIVE final - on Thursday. My GLOBES course from hell is just about done as well. The presentation last Monday went better than I could have hoped (the four of us on my team talked for about half an hour, and only had a few minutes of questions afterward... the next group after us went for an HOUR, it was ridiculous, but made us look even better!). All I have left for that class is a group paper. I hate writing though, so finishing my part of the assignment is going to be a BITCH. I have started writing tonight, but I already had a really thorough set of notes already typed up, so I just have to kind of go through and reorganize my thoughts so that they flow better. I hope to be done with it by, say, 1:30?
The other assignment I have due... WICKED hard. For the end of the semester, all the new ID kids have to present for 15 minutes in front of the 40-50 or so other ID people in the department (students and faculty). I have a feeling most people will show up to this, since we are the fresh blood in the department. I know Dave will make my whole lab come, so that's almost 10 people right there! Hell there probably will be more people there than I can even anticipate... it's a little daunting. Anyway, my presentation isn't until May 23, but Dave (the bossman) is making me present in lab meeting on Wednesday. SUCKS. I barely have anything figured out to talk about and I'm WICKED nervous about it. I've talked to a lot of people about it and you know, it probably won't be soooooo bad since it's mostly background, but I know Dave won't let me just get away with that and so I have to come up with some kind of discussion of what my future research will entail. Funny story - I have NO idea! I'm not at a point where I can really take off in my research and develop ideas and things on my own. I'm not at that stage yet, I've only got a bachelor's! I wonder if Dave forgets that sometimes and thinks I came in like Ryan, Dongyoung, Irene and possibly ALL of his previous grad students, who all (or almost all) came in with their Master's! It's a little nerve-wrecking, to say the least, so I will have my work cut out for me! And I'm meeting with him tomorrow so I want to get a good start on my presentation for when I meet with him, but I also have to start an experiment and so sleep would be a VERY good thing... oh, and I didn't get to do the experiment I wanted to this weekend because Ryan doesn't read his fucking email and I didn't want to call him and potentially get him mad... I don't know why he would be, I would have done some of his work for him... but anyway, that's just a little frustrating.
In other news... remember that guy Darin I last wrote about? Yeah, haven't heard from him in a week. Wtf is wrong with me? Or men? I think I've been pretty convinced that I'm not repulsive... am I that intimidating? No way should I be so intimidating. That's not the kind of girl I am, and if someone took the time to understand that... yeah so that's also rather annoying. I'm so sick of being manipulated. Either be interested in me or don't pretend that you are, because I don't want to find out the hard way that you don't give a shit.
OK I think that's the end of my rant for the night because I *really* ought to get back to this schisto paper... and potentially throw a few more dengue slides together for the meeting with the bossman. :/
~ Sarah