Feb 19, 2005 10:21
In Biology yesterday for like the second half Mr. York was telling stories about the fights he got in and the time he went to an AC/DC concert and the time he got drunk and speed raced down the highway.. lmfao! And then Ms. Wadman told us about times when she was at a club in London. So funny to hear that from teachers.
Nothing happened but Alyssa came home with me andd we just did what we always do. Talked, went outside in sweatclothes, talked on the phone on my driveway, took off our sweatclothes, ran through my neighbors sprinklers in the night when it was freezing out, and streaked down my street, and traded pants in the middle of the street. Rofl. Came inside, talked and then fell asleep. Yeah she "pwned" (I have to spell it that way now) me like 10x. But the times I've gotten her still hold AMAZING RECORDS. She had to leave a few minutes ago for a driving thing but she's coming back later and we're going to the beach.. whoever wants to come.. come. Because I want a fun beach day :) ♥