Oct 23, 2004 06:25
I read that, scrawled on the wall of the elevator in this residence hall in wich I live. It isn't a bad thing, but it isn't a good thing either.
I spent the entire evening working on a self portrait for my drawing class. It didn't turn out. I am upset by this because I spent so much time and money into it. I also put so much effort into it. The sight of it made me cry. To relize that something I have created looks like complete crap almost brings me to tears.
I felt a few well up in my eyes. I did.
I have so many letters to write. First to you Joel and Mitch. Everyone else will take second. Everyone!
recieving mail on Friday always makes the day even better than it already is. I had a somewhat of a rocky start, but I think that all in all everything is somewhat okay.
There is a reason why I am up at such an hour as this. It has a lot to do with my not being able to sleep because I am getting sick and I am disappointed with my drawing. I am really compelled to spend all of today at school doing some paintings and then another drawing or so.
I think the reason that my drawing turned out so very poorly today has something to do with the size (it was a titch too big for me to handle. I think I am going to try to draw another large self portrait on my own time). And. Someone called my work graphic. Lots of people call it graphic. I hate that term. I H_A_T_E it. I do. I wish that my work couldn't be considered graphic. I want real. Though, my drawing teacher seems to like my work. I wish that there wasn't some sort of style embedded underneith my fingerips. I am not trying to create stylized work. It just happens.
Does that make my artwork lame?
I guess that question will forever loom over my head.
I think it is decided that I will spend the day over at school working on some paintings and another drawing or two. I have to do well at this school.I have to. I want, so bad, to recieve recognition for my hard work. That, and I want some school with a masters degree in the art that I want to do should beg me to come to their school with the reward of a full ride scholarship. I wish that I could have that happen to me so hard! I do!
Maybe I can do it. Maybe I can.
I think that I have psyched myself up enough for one day.
Take care.