I don't know why but i'm starting to like the silences! it's nice, it gives me a chances to think, and get things straight in my head, casue most days it's just all over the places.
Maybe it's the fact i'm sleep deprived right now, but who knows, lol Today was fun i guess for being school.
Things I've been thing of today
- The one thing i've really had on my mind is trust, how can one person trust you if they can't trust what your saying. it's like if your lying about something and you say trust me, but how can you trust them if there lying about it, it just kinda just contradicts it's self?
- Cheating, i know that when drunk you can't help it. but i think that if you have to go out on the side then being the the one person that your with you should even be with that person, and if you've done it once what's there to stop you from doing it again? Even if your with a different person then the first person. What if you got away with it the first time, whats going to stop you from thinking that your going to get a way with it again, and the only people how did find out is the ones that you told because there your close friends.
- Sex, if your not ready don't do it! and if your not going to take responabitly for the out come, then how come your putting your self in the place where something might happen? If your a guy and she get pregnant are you willing to be there for her while everything happens to her? and if your a girl are you willing to deal with losing the emotional attachment for when they leave or you break up?
- Drugs & Alcohol if you feels its for you then no one else should care, as long as you do it the right ways and at the right time, going to school drunk it's a very dumb and risky thing. going to work drunk or hung over, it's a very dumb move! first if your hung over it's hell so why drink enoght to put your self through that?
- Using someone, i hate it, knowing that your nothing to one person, knowing that they are only using you for what your giving up. they never really think about how your feeling, your just there to make an ex mad or to get ass.
- Being Cheated on, it hurts like hell when your person who gets hurt in the mitts of it all, you didn't do anything to deserve any of it. When the one person you loved doesn't think that you'll ever find out and you find out from a friend, that they didn't even have the balls to tell you that they messed up, and there sorry, and in fact they never even said sorry for it.If your not happy in a relatonship you should end it, even if you know it will hurt that one person, but really it hurts more to be cheated on then it does to find out your not good enough for them
But these are just my thoughts don't get mad at me for them, they change all the time too, lol
<333 L