why do boys have to be so misleading

Apr 03, 2005 10:59

last day of spring break. this kind of sucks.

overall, spring break wasnt too great.
florida was fun, but the burn was painful.
the family inside jokes though, nothing beast those

"i swear sometimes there are rocketships flying out here"
"thats where the ufo's land"
"and sometimes on the beach, there are those penguins"

ok so all of those are making fun of my grandma, but whatever. lol. it was fun.

so then i came back and thursday em bau came over to watch movies, but matt couldnt come cus he already made plans with someone else. em left to go party and matt called and we talked for a little. then when em was home i talked to her online, as well as kurt who is my boyfriend, only when he is drunk though. it was soo funny he was like "can we go on a date tommorow" and "I LOVE YOU STACEY GREENE". yeah he spelled my name right, i was shocked. and he knew that my eyes are green... 'from gazing in them all day' hahaha. then matt called and i told matt he had some competition cus kurts in love with me and matt called kurt, and mann it was so funny. matt was like"shes my girl" and stuff and kurt was like noo man shes mine. then i went to sleep and next morning (friday)woke up to see a missed call from matt. i talked to kurt sober which is no way as fun as talking to him drunk. he isnt as infatuated with me when hes sober. omg i just used a really big word. wow lol. but anyway friday was when matt was supposed to come over to hang out. i called him at like 12 but he said he had lax prax at 2, and he was still over his friends house so he couldnt hang out then. and then after lax prax he had to go out to eat so he said we could hang out saturday. i was like ook cus i was free the whole day, and so on friday i went to the vc with melissa, even though neither of us were hungry, and we bought these baloonie things at safeway. omg they were soo fun. its like those gel things that you blow up so its like a baloon, but not really. haha. then we went back to my house and made brownies, and we watched butterfly effect. not my favorite of movies. actually i really didnt like it. it was scaryy and i hated the ending. then we ate some brownies and danced to my magic carpet ride ringtone. wow was thatt fun. haha. then melissa went home. then yesterday, (saturday)i was bored. sooo bored. i was gonna hang out with matt, but then i found out from emily he doesnt wanna just hang out with me. sooo he told me he liked me, then decided he wants emily to come along too? soo i asked em to come over too, and to call him but his phone wasnt on. then emilys dad decided she had been hanging out with friends too much so she couldnt come over. i gave up on matt cus if em wasnt there, he wouldnt show up. so i was so bored the whole day. i tried to play "maybe im amazed" on the piano. its really hard but i got like the first 2 lines down. then i made grilled cheese for me and my brother for lunch, because we have no food. still. thenn i was so bored, and decided i wanted my hair angled in the front. so i got out the scissors and cut my hair. its actually really cute, i really like it. you can hardly tell though, but whatever. i need a trim to layer my hair and angle it for real and to get rid of split ends. eh ill do that sometime. so then melissa called and she came over and brought princess diaries 2 and ice cream sandwiches. the ice cream was cus she wanted one, and she told her mom i have no food, so her mom told her to bring the whole package over. so after melissa and i watched the movie, which was very good btw, very happy, we ate ice cream sandwiches. wow, we are really special trying to eat those. we were in my room and melissa was talking with tons of ice cream in her mouth, and so she sounded like a fat person. she was like "i ike ese betta cus theh ahre 98 pehcent faaht free" it was really funny. then i took a bite and was trying to talk and we both had a fat person accent, mixed with asian person. omg it was sooo funny. then for the last bite, we both put the big piece in our mouth and it was reallyyy cold, so we were standing in the middle of my room, looking at eachother, waving our arms around making noises cus our mouths were so cold. haha it was so funny. then we went back downstairs and wanted to ask questions from trivial pursuit, so we were looking for like 10 mins a movie we could watch, then just decided to watch tv instead. we really suck at trivial pursuit. trev came in and was like ask me anything. i asked him the most random questions ever, and he knew them. he practically filled up the game piece with one card. it took melissa and i like 50 cards to get 3 pieces. but thennn melissas mom came to pick her up, and she took home the ice cream sandwiches:( and then i was still bored but kurt was on, who was drunk again, so i talked to him for a little which was fun then i went to sleep. now today (sunday) is gonna suck. im expeted to clean up the junk that i have in the other 2 rooms. but of course i have a mad headache from losing an hour of sleep. soo today will suck. i wanna go to hammond if the weather is nice which it looks like it is, and play some laxxx. i miss ittt. and i gotta work off the extra weight i got from florida, cus there my grandma FED me and i had food. lol
welll im gonna go now, another boring dayy.

<3 stacey
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