Jun 01, 2005 22:02
hello everone,
well lifes a bitch u make friends and then u have to give them up becouse of there sextual orientation,lol, u all know how it is. but i think it will all be ok. life may be a bitch but it has to go on , right?
anyways so whats new with everybody? enything exciting? anything erotic?? (if so pleas shair.)lol
i have a ? to ask everybody, who in this world really had 8 true friends?
the answer is nobody, nobody actually has 8 true friends becouse the all talk behind ur back and do shit a true friend wouldnt do.
well i really miss all of my gall pals from school and i really want to talk to them all, (nathan honny sorry ur not included in this.) i am thinking of having a pool party and inviting them all. but who knows. i will tell everyone if i do.
but anywho people need to start calling me 648-6063, thats my cell. but i am going to go and hop in the pool for a bit and i will update latta
ur butch shane