I have a good story about last night. So here it goes.
I had a shitty day and really just wanted to drink but instead I was the driver. Kind of dissappointing. I ended up having a great time and laughing a whole lot. Well Paul Wall, his girlfriend who is visiting from Grand Valley Amanda, Megan, Davis and myself rode to this party together in Paul Wall's car because it was bigger. Paul Wall got completely trashed and Megan was definitely drunk. So I took home Paul Wall and Amanda but Megan and I went to another party over in the apartments. That was so much fun. I was in such a good mood. We got there and guess who I saw?! Austin Forest and Danny Kin. Crazy. We talked a lot and I told them I'd give them a ride home plus this other friend of theirs. Then Anthony needed a ride too. When we decide to leave its pouring out. Well, heres the good part, as we are getting closer to the car I hit the unlock on the remote but nothing happens. We get to where the car should be and guess what? Not there. Meg and I just got Paul Wall's car towed. I could not stop laughing the whole walk home in the pouring rain.
That was my story. But in case you need a visual of how wet we got, I shall include some pictures.