(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 19:02

yay im not depressed like i thought i would be

since i got upset over victor so much has happened

i went shoppin w. my mommy in the city and woodbury commons

new gap vests=life

omfg i want a pink one like asap

i think i got one for xmas...hmm

both bball teams got 3rd place in our tournament

hackely ppl kinda piss me off

i <3 hals and morgs though

umm ive discovered how like fake my friends r

they like totall ditch me on weekends

then on like monday mornings they talk about it

gotta love that

friday was a snow day

let me let u all know like right now


umm so yeah dont expect me to come hang w. u if that involves snow fights and such

saturday i babysat and made money

that means xmas shoppin on saturday

2day we went to jacob burns to see pride and prejudice

omg that movie is so fuckin hot

i might go read the book now but i doubt it

umm game in north salem 2morrow

thats in bumblefuck basically and takes an hour drive

yay wont be home till like 9

lets hope we go w. the boys on the bus ;)

lol so i gotta go

might update later this week

oh yeah my sarah got in to nyu

how did that happen lol jk

brittany anne got into quinnapiac (sp?)

that means if i got to uconn we're partyin 2gether<3

doubt i'll get into uconn

i forgot to send my sats score but i think i can still submit them

cross ur fingers otherwise i'll be on major bitch mode 4ever!!

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