May 22, 2005 18:21
Could the night have gotten any better? I think not! Fricken hilarious I tell you... oh gosh! It's all started off with a little bit of baseball with both myself and Kristen... yes I played by mayself for a minute too! Then Randy and I went to get fishing poles at Georges and fishing wasn't as successful as we wished it would have been... I guess those damn fish don't like hot dogs! But on the other hand my ass got soaked when the damn dock decided that Randy and I together was just too much weight to hold and it decided to be silly and completely colapse on us causing quite a commotion... but I couldn't stop laughing and just about pissed my pants. I hope all of you who witnessed it thought it was worth the watch as well! From there it's just a bunch of truth or dare, spin the bottle and making out!
I don't think I have ever met anyone as funny or crazy as Kristen Ellison! Holy shit... Hannah back me up on this one, she pretty much made my night that's for sure! I'm so excited to have her as a roomie next year... WILD HOUSE!!! So in the end we had a sunken dock, wet pants, make outs, thongs, strippers, and random tent happenings :)! What a fricken time it was.