Apr 10, 2004 10:48
Yesterday we did the good friday thing at jennas. She picked me up and we went to some places and then church. We had band practice at night after dinner. It was tttight. We busted out a new song "respecting the oldies". It is quite the crowd pleaser. We took some nice pictures that she best send me soon. There are a couple good ones for our new album entitled 'Pearl Street Ghetto'. haha. We had some technical difficulties with straps and plugs and stuff but it was a good r.o.t.a practice.
Today Im gonna go play some tennis at the courts for a little while. Just me and the chinese gangster. Sarah is leaving for a wedding and I dont know whats goin for the rest of the day.
Tomorrow is Easter in LBI. Hopefully it wont rain cause there is a brand new frisbee coming.