Today was an okay day. I went to some carear thing today during drivers ed. I took one of those aptitude tests. Im supposed to do something in communications, arts:skilled, and business: skilled. To tell you the truth, I really I dont know what I want to do with my life. It kinda bugs me sometimes and makes me worry. What if I start a job after going to college that I chose the wrong path and did the wrong thing? Lately I've been putting a lot of thought into my future, and what I want to do with it. I'm really thinking about becoming a chef. Its been on my mind for a couple years now. If I do, I figure I'll go to the culinary institue in philly. But I might also do something in photography or advertising, which is totally different then becoming a chef. Well, I guess I dont have to decide today... I have a while to decide.
This snow is crazy. Its supposed to be the begining of spring soon... but when I look out my window all I see is white. Its quite depressing, I'm so ready to slap on a t-shirt and run out the door. Tomorrow is saint patty's day, and being irish and all I am very excited.
pretty cute huh? nature is so pretty.
i heart el diablo. Notice the large spiderman stuffed animal chillin in the backround. I won in him in California at one of those squirt gun tables. It was a miricle fitting him in my suitcase.