Gaga lyrics lmfao--

Dec 23, 2010 01:40

Who: Neku and Beat
When: Post game, after a summer festival.
Rating: Uh. Very mature.
Warnings: Smut, boys on boys and drug usage. Don't like don't read etc.
Summary: Neku and friends are celebrating summer break at a popular night club. Some drugs were passed around and the consequences are rather interesting. Enjoy the Moment!

You and me could write a bad bromance~ @_@ )

neku, beat

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lacking icons sldhfsdoissf apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 07:49:40 UTC
Beat wasn't much for parties. He liked loud music well enough, but the crowds and the atmosphere just... were not his scene. If there was one thing he liked, though, it was adventure. The crimson beverage and pill he had been offered were definitely adventure-- and so was the oncoming trip.

Beat also discovered that glow-sticks and loud(er) music were positively marvelous, and the combination of such was making him quite dumb(er) to general logic and surroundings.

He barely registered Neku's words, never one to be speedy on the uptake. "What?!" was the eloquent response.


Psh. Oh stop it, you. godproxy December 23 2010, 07:53:06 UTC
Neku would have been annoyed if he wasn't feeling so very... ... ... drifty. Yes. Drifty was a nice word. But he was also feeling rather overheated, a blush spattered over his cheeks. Suddenly, this crowd just wasn't where he wanted to be-- go figure.

He frowned over at the mass of thrumming bodies where Eri and Shiki were dancing-- bodies pressed together in a manner that could only be seen as vulgar and wrinkled his nose.

"I said let's get the fuck out of here a second!"


D: apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 08:01:11 UTC
Well, Neku sure seemed touchy. He also was... holy shit, warm. Warm and... oh no, he didn't belong in this crowd of people. Fine, then. Beat took the brunet's arm in his and easily led him out of the building. The pulsing music and lights affected him no less out there, but the moonlight illuminated Neku's intoxicated visage that much better.

"... C'n still hear, it," he mumbled stupidly.


:3 godproxy December 23 2010, 08:07:13 UTC
"I don't feel... right" Neku complained as he half followed half stumbled after his friend. But once the door was closed and the cooler night air was on his skin-- it felt wonderful against his face and shoulders which were dotted with a light sheen of sweat thanks to the heat and the crush of people inside of the building. And Beat's hand felt warm and... and... Well. Neku was having trouble coming up with a word.

"So loud. Like I could feel it in my head." He stressed, looking blearily up at the blond. Well. It was true. There were people moving in the street, and the proxy felt weirdly like he wanted to keep moving too.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 08:13:00 UTC
"... I don' get you, man. S'just loud." Beat fumbled with his beanie, feeling it too hot on his head but not willing to remove the article of clothing. "Maybe you just sick or somethin'."

He could faintly feel Neku's stress, however, as well as the relief that came with the cool night air. Perhaps he didn't want to go back inside.

Besides, Neku didn't look sick. Did he?


godproxy December 23 2010, 08:23:40 UTC
His eyelids fell low over glazed sapphires and shielded his eyes from the glaring streetlights. Neku slowly dragged his fingers up from Beat's wrist and all the way up to his biceps. Bicep. Whatever. He'd never touched it before and was suddenly utterly fascinated by the way the muscle felt beneath the skin-- which was surprisingly soft.

"Whatever. Le's just... Go somewhere." Neku nodded slowly as that was the most sage suggestion he could possibly make.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 08:27:06 UTC
"Whatchu doing widdat..." he trailed off, watching Neku's hand travel up. It reminded him of the way a girl would do it, only Neku seemed more... intent. Not trying to fill time. Not flirty. What the hell.

"Uh... aight," he consented. Beat was about to move when... well. "Where?"


godproxy December 23 2010, 08:31:52 UTC
"Hn." He shrugged. Neku tilted his head and stopped the memorization trip his fingers had decided to go on rather without his consent.

"Somewhere... ... Bet mom's in bed by now. S'not far." And his other hand was moving now-- too fast for the poor boy's addled brain to keep up with. It decided to find its way to his best friend's chest where it promptly splayed out flat and started to roam about slowly. It felt just as interesting as his arm if not moreso. A group of girls walking by snickered loudly. Neku just scowled.

And that had him tugging on Beat's wrist.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 08:37:50 UTC
It felt... nice. But -- but Neku was a dude and -- no, not it wasn't like that. Neku just wanted to be away from the party, that was all. Yeah, absolutely.

And so Beat followed obediently, despite the lingering feeling of Neku's touch and the coloring of his face.


godproxy December 23 2010, 08:44:34 UTC
Despite the fact that the quaint apartment that he shared with his mother really wasn't that far away at all, Neku was certain that it took several hours longer than it should have to get there and climb the stairs.

"I still feel fuckin' weird." He complained as he fumbled with his keys. Sakurako slept with music playing and some beauty-sleep enhancing earmuffs or somesuch. He wasn't worried about disturbing her, thankfully.

"C'mon. I wanna lay down. Damn." That was all he could think of even as he stumbled towards the dark hallway that lead to the toilet and his room.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 09:04:11 UTC
"I wanna... y-yeah, me too." Me too what? Beat ran his hands along the wall as he walked, feeling beneath his palms tons of bumps and dips that he'd never noticed before -- in the wall.

"Your house is so fucking hot. Shit. 'M dyin'." And then: "hey, where you at?" Yes, in his wall-reverie, Beat had lost his host.


godproxy December 23 2010, 09:10:43 UTC
"So take your shirt off." Neku huffed as though it were the most obvious solution in the world. Once he disappeared into his room and decided that the light would just be too much, he realized that he'd lost Beat somewhere.

"Oi, the hell...?" And the proxy stuck his head back into the hall. "Hey, smart one. You've been here how many times and you can't find it?" He pouted and struggled to keep himself upright against the door frame.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 09:13:54 UTC
"The fuck would I do that shit for? S'my shirt, yo." And then Neku poked out his head and poked fun at him.

"S'dark, man... s'dark and light. And... and, oh, there." And Beat groped around until he was face to face with Neku. One awkward hand brushed Neku's torso a bit too easily. "Hidin' 'n shit..."


godproxy December 23 2010, 09:18:45 UTC
"I'm not hiding. Get your ass in here already." He huffed and tugged at the aforementioned shirt while letting the door fall shut on the both of them. Hell, it was annoying.

"S'not loud or bright n' here." He announced proudly. Neku then abruptly turned on his heel, reminded that his bed was in here- and it was big and soft and felt so cool as he flopped onto it.

"Oh god that feels good." He sighed.


apartyinmymouth December 23 2010, 09:24:42 UTC
A pleasant sort of warm feeling briefly bubbled in the pit of Beat's stomach. Those were... nice sounds. He wanted Neku to tug at him. Since when was the brunet this aggressive...?

Fuck that shit. He wanted on, too. The blond peeled off his shirt and found a spot of cold bed against which to throw himself.

... Neku was awfully close...

An adventurous hand tried a bit of subtlety, taking hold of the hem of Neku's shirt and tugging it a little to reveal his lower belly. "Could be better," he mumbled off-handedly -- though with Beat, even mumbles were loud.


godproxy December 23 2010, 09:29:04 UTC
Was Beat making an attempt at undressing him? Why yes he was. And for some reason (probably because he was high as FUCK) Neku really didn't mind too much. The Composer's Proxy was rather pleased by the idea, though. More coolness and soft comforter against his skin sounded like a lovely idea.

He squirmed and wiggled (mostly against Beat's side) until he had wrenched his shirt up over his head and managed to toss it somewhere into the abyss of his room. He let out a long sigh and a moan the moment he touched the comforter again.

"Holy shit why doesn't it always feel this nice?"


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