Feb 09, 2007 13:59
I haven't updated in a while again, although is more to do with having no time rather than my usual problem of having nothing to write about.
We were supposed to have two gigs this week; one in Leeds and one in Nottingham. The Leeds one was at The Pack Horse, a favourite haunt of ours due to excitable promoters and ridiculously good sound, and lived up to the usual promise. Going to work the following day could only be described as heartbreaking however, and I'm quite sure this intense fear that seems to overcome me every so often is entirelly due to work.
Even the promise of a raise and promotion do not fill me with enthusiasm, in fact, quite the contrary. Whatever. But yeah... work got in the way of what could've been another decent double-header gig, as the Nottingham one was at a real venue, with real bands we've heard of before. Anyway, getting there was a fucking pain in the arse; nearly got ripped off for a ticket, lost Seb due to train times, and spent a further two hours on a train, adding to the previous hour I'd already spent getting to and from work. But we overcame these hurdles and made it to the venue, only to find out it was cancelled, and the promoters hadn't told us. They had our numbers. Why didn't they call?
I had a pint, then we got the train back. We spent a total of five hours on the train, and for absolutely nothing.
ANYWAY, tonight I do sweet FA... a welcome relief from the bombardment of crap I've been subject to lately, and tomorrow a trip to my second home, Sheffield. Sheffield's cool.
Our EP's released on the 19th Feb... maybe from this date forward things won't be so dull, tiring and work-filled? Let's hope so, eh.