Last night I played the Serenity rpg with the guys (- Sam, + Paul) at Erik's house. I have to admit, I was a little nervous about it... because it's a bit intimidating being thrown right in with the guys, who are like, pros. Also, I was late, so I was feeling pretty sheepish about the week before when I made a huge case for myself saying, "I will NOT be late EVER". It didn't really matter, though, because Sam didn't show up, and John was also late. Score.
When I got there, I found that they had made me 2 characters and let me choose which one to be. After I chose the one that they didn't expect me to choose, Ben bought me some (fake) stuff and we started playing. I'll spare you all of the details of the game, but here were some fun parts:
- Ben hits on some girl, gets shut down, and gets jumped by her big black boyfriend, Sledge. I save his ass. (go, me!)
- We have a circus-y entertainment troupe. Erik has no entertainment skills and is useless. All he does during the act is stand there while Ben throws knives at him. Also, he has a glittery bedazzled coat, which he made himself.
- Erik is the pilot, but we don't have a ship. We have an RV that Erik can drive, but it turned out that I also can drive, rendering Erik completely useless until we get a ship.
- Ben has a british accent, then he doesn't, then he does, then he doesn't...
- Paul is the only one who gets any plot points, and he earns them by telling a dirty joke.
Alright, in writing none of it looks funny and/or entertaining... It may be one of those "you had to be there" situations. Trust me when I say that I was cracking up all night and having a really really great time. I think I did pretty well for my first time, and the guys were nice about helping me out with the dice and stuff...
So yes. Now I've caught the bug, and I can understand why they spend all of that time at Time Warp. We're supposed to play again on Wednesday, and I'm excited. Listen, I'm not "looking forward" to it, I'm freaking psyched.