I just read on
ontd_political about a very interesting thing. Why is Arab-American or Muslim used in the presidential race as a bad thing? Is it because of the stigma of 9/11? I raise a questions, are all people of Arab descent evil? Do any of you know an Arab-American? If you can associate Arab-American or Muslim to bad because of 9/11, then I can associate
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"You are an evil person as is everyone who supports the murder of helpless innocent children." Really? Where did I say this? I said that a man bombed a clinic and killed a person. Do you see the hypocracy of this? Jesus NEVER KILLED ANYONE...he stayed Peter's hand when he tried to defend Jesus from the Romas. Jesus HEAL THE ROMAN AND PUT HIS EAR BACK ON. Give me ONE verson in the ENTIRE new Testament (which is the new law since the old law, old testament, passed away with Jesus' death on the cross) that state "its ok to kill a person as long as the means justify the ends" Don't preach at me. You will not win. You took my words and twisted them just as the Rabbis did with Jesus words. Stop spewing hate and evil. YOU are the people that makes other look bad. YOU make me and other loose hope in humanity. When I die, if I go to hell, I am SURE I will see you there. Because ifI am damned for not wanting to kill ANYONE no matter what, for loving everyone, for forgiving and forgetting, for turning the other cheek and for Loving God first and then loving my neighbor as myself for this is what EVERYTHING hangs on...then you will be sitting right next me.
Thank you for showing me just how evil, hateful, cynical, and judging "true Christians are"
I suggest you read your bible a little more before attacking me.
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