(no subject)

May 08, 2005 00:06

This is gonna be a quick entry. I can barely keep myself sitting up...I'm bruised, bleeding, dehydrated...and I love it.

The concert was the best Fall Out Boy concert I've been to ever. This was my 4th? 5th? I don't know, back me up on this one, Meg. I knew every single word to every single song for the first time, too. Anyways, the opening bands were actually really fantastic, too. I ended up with some really big girl jabbing me in the side every two seconds because she was trying to get up to the very front..that was no grood. I also ended up behind some homophobic girl who thought I was coming onto her, i think. I tried to explain that I dont have much of a choice as to where my hands end up since we were being smushed against the baracade, but by that point I barely had any voice left in me. I sang like crazy, though, and now my voice is completley shot. It was totally worth it. I danced, too. I seriously rocked out and ended up somewhere towards the middle at some point. Annnndd I touched Pete Wentz's butt. I <2+1 Mr. Wentz like you wouldn't believe. Aaaannddd I got Hey Chris to wave at me from the balcony. Overall, it was quite an eventful night.

Ben lost his phone somewhere throughout the course of crowd surfing. After the concert, he called it and some guys picked up and were like "We're sitting in a van a couple blocks away. Come get your phone." So he grabbed Meg and they went. Christine and I sat on the ground and waited, hoping they wouldn't be raped/kidnapped. It turns out a couple of nice guys found the phone, so there weren't any problems.

The car ride home was an event in itself. I was half awake for the trip, as was Meg. We learned the following things:
1. "Banana" is not spelled "Bannanananna." Right, Christine?
2. Ben can rhyme like nobodys business...but christine can't.
3. Ben now has decided that by thinking outloud, people will have more to talk about around him. I swear he never shut his mouth for the entire ride home.
4. You can make a wish at 11:41, but only if you think its 11:11.
5. "Brea" and "Brie" don't rhyme..or do they?

Mmkay thats about it. Goodnight, everyone. Pleasant dreams!
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