MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm....chocolate and raspberries...there's not a better combination of flavors! I love that too!
I'm impressed, you are doing two studies? One Kay Arthur study is enough, in fact, even one Kay Arthur study is usually too much for me to handle these days, they are intense with homework!!
Don't feel like you're alone in the introductions part...I usually always feel that way too...I never know quite what to tell people. I like it better when the leader says to name three specific things and maybe something that no one knows about you. Gives some direction to the panic of what to say...anyway...
I am sooo sick of this hot weather! I grew up with the four seasons as well and although I didn't have the mountains in my backyard (grew up near Chicago area), I LOVE the mountains. I would take the mountains over the ocean ANY DAY! Just put me on a horse ranch at the foothills of the mountains and you would have one happy camper!!
When we were up in VA (stationed there) the fall colors were unreal! Beautiful! Yellows, reds, oranges....I do miss it! Chicago area gets lake-front snow (good packing for snowball fights and building snowmen)...
Back to the chocolate for a minute...when I went to San Francisco on a missions trip one year we visited the Geradelli Chocolate Factory...mmmmmmmmmmm good!
Your flipping penquin is cute! Well, have a great evening...
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
Well, I can't really say that I'm doing 2 studies. One of my discipleship groups is going through a book that includes some Bible study, but I can do it in one day. The Kay Arthur study they are stretching out so that each lesson covers two weeks. Hopefuly that will mean that I'll be able to do it. The other discipleship that I have set up is some one on one journaling with two different girls. I think they've both lost their journals -- so maybe it's a natural end...
The more you respond to my posts, the more alike we seem to be! I do love the mountains and would be in heaven on your ranch!
I got to visit that factory, too! Not on a mission trip, though. I just went with my mom while she had to work. I really liked the science discovery museum (I can't remember what it's called). Got to go. Good "chatting' with you!
I'm impressed, you are doing two studies? One Kay Arthur study is enough, in fact, even one Kay Arthur study is usually too much for me to handle these days, they are intense with homework!!
Don't feel like you're alone in the introductions part...I usually always feel that way too...I never know quite what to tell people. I like it better when the leader says to name three specific things and maybe something that no one knows about you. Gives some direction to the panic of what to say...anyway...
I am sooo sick of this hot weather! I grew up with the four seasons as well and although I didn't have the mountains in my backyard (grew up near Chicago area), I LOVE the mountains. I would take the mountains over the ocean ANY DAY! Just put me on a horse ranch at the foothills of the mountains and you would have one happy camper!!
When we were up in VA (stationed there) the fall colors were unreal! Beautiful! Yellows, reds, oranges....I do miss it! Chicago area gets lake-front snow (good packing for snowball fights and building snowmen)...
Back to the chocolate for a minute...when I went to San Francisco on a missions trip one year we visited the Geradelli Chocolate Factory...mmmmmmmmmmm good!
Your flipping penquin is cute! Well, have a great evening...
Here's my results....
You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
The more you respond to my posts, the more alike we seem to be! I do love the mountains and would be in heaven on your ranch!
I got to visit that factory, too! Not on a mission trip, though. I just went with my mom while she had to work. I really liked the science discovery museum (I can't remember what it's called). Got to go. Good "chatting' with you!
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