I was just recently informed by my parents of a wonderful tale involving none other than my little brother Matthew. He went to Coldstone for ice cream, was in a line with forty or fifty people. As you all know, if you tip, they sing. Well he put a dollar in and so they sang. But nonono, my brother just had to BREAKDANCE in front of everyone. He was deemed customer of the day, and yes yes, we're all so proud. You know when you find out something embarassing or gross and you convulse a little? Well, I have been doing that all day. I just hope he is famous one day so I can use it when E! interviews me, on what it's like to be his sister.
P.S I am officially disowning him, anyone want a breakdancing brother??
my grandfather insisted on taking a picture just after my arrival.
Notre Dame!! Sadly we didn't go to the bell tower, otherwise I would have broken out into songs from the movie.
One of the most ridiculous photos of my life.
Sacre Coeur sideways!
The view.
Versailles. There was a billion people so we only went to the Gardens.
Tallest Bridge in the world!!!