
Mar 10, 2007 20:39

Well, i guess it's about time for me to update this beast.

Lets see, I got my braces off. It's just so much easier now. I can eat food without worrying about if there's anything stuck in the brackets, i can floss easily, and i'm not afraid to smile in pictures, or anywhere for that matter. Also, I've noticed guys have been giving me more "attention" or whatever since I got them off. One guy actually said "now you are truly perfection" which i thought was the sweetest thing ever, totally not true, but incredibly sweet.

Yesterday was districts, and we got straight superiors. I was really relieved and surprised. I wasn't quite sure if we could pull it off, but i guess we did. But now i'm nervous about state, we're going to have to work our asses off. but that's something i'm willing to do for the band. not for mr. luce, but for the band and for our reputation. it was a lot of fun on the bus sitting next to kasey. i've never really gotten a chance to talk to her and get to know her. it was a lot of fun.

Like a week ago, there was a pep rally in the math building. I had math that period too, so i was in it. It was fun, sort of. It was pretty smelly because a lot of kids had b.o., and it was crowded, hot, and loud. And the only thing to do was watch the basketball team dance and stuff. but hey, they deserve it, they won state... so congrats to them!

I've also been noticing a change in the people i hang out with lately. now, it's mostly the drama kids. but that's cool, cuz they're so amazing. well, except for dane, he's an orc. haha. i really can't tell you how amazing they are. too amazing for words. but idk, i used to hang out with people that smoke, drink, and did drugs and stuff. i never did any of that with them, or really at all, but i hung out with them. and now it's just... cool. idk, it's different, but definitely a good different.

Report cards haven't come out yet for this semester, but I know i'm getting two A's and two B's. and my parents are going to freak because i got b's. I'm most likely going to get my computer taken away and i'll be grounded. but it's really not like i'm slacking off or anything, i'm doing the best i can. but like in darte's class, i get everything, do all my homework, but on the tests, i just make stupid mistakes and get C's and B's on them. I check my work, but i still seem to miss some. and in history, i just don't get it. history does not interest me AT ALL and i find it the most boring thing on the planet. I'm sooo bad about remembering names, dates, places, and events. and in turn, i do badly on the tests. i do all my homework, but still only make out with a B.

my phone is broken. but it's still on the warranty, so alltell sent me a new one, and i'm going in tomorrow so that they can program the new one and transfer my contacts and everything. thank God, i'm so tired of looking at a plain white screen.

i'm hanging out with maria tomorrow and it's going to be a BLAST. anything we do is just so much fun. it doesn't matter if we're just in the classroom talking, or out doing something. it's always just so much fun when i'm with her and i'm usually laughing so hard i'm crying haha. we're probably gonna go bowling and stuff. kickass.

i'm probably hanging out with her monday too. :D

we'll i'll update this later, if i still have my computer by then and if i remember. lol

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