Jan 27, 2007 23:00

Hey Girls.
I miss you all so much, and i havent been on LJ in a while, but reading some of your posts, i wish i had been on earlier.
I can see some of you are hurting, and are upset, and i am too.
Its part of being human.
I hate seeing you upset, it kills me inside.
You girls are my everything, as you all know how it ends up with me and boys.
I need you in my life, and if you ever need me back, i am always here.
I always will be here no matter what.
I'm sorry if i've ever caused you greif or pain, because i know you are already going through alot.
I know i keep things from you, and i sometimes only tell you part of whats going on, but from now on, Im going to be more honest for you.
Ask me anything, and i will answer 100% truthfully.
Because I've watched you girls and i've learnt from you.
We take the good with the bad and whatever happens, we can always try to make it better.
Whether its a boy you love, who loves your best friend, or if a family member has cancer, just being with you makes it seem for that moment better.
I love you all so much!!
Just thinking of your lives makes me think of mine, and how much stronger you have all made me.
Thank you.
I have been through alot more then i make out these past few years and you always seem to know when something is wrong, even if i never tell you.
You mean everything to me.

I am not kidding either.
Love Emily.
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